Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and they [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The reason we built it on this particular spot is this is the ash flurry from the boilers from the bottom there of the er power station and er it 's contents of slurry dried out , dried out and graded , well once nice and flat like this it gives the bird an ideal opportunity to at high tide and they can see around , there 's no vegetation , it 's very bad ground , and er , that is load of ducks , a good numbers of er oystercatchers , they do n't sometimes , which is really nice and so easy to count them now cos when the tide is out and you 've got the , the mud flats of course they 're spread out , now they 're nicely condensed down here , so it 's great , great little position for us you know , that 's all courtesy of the bottom of the boiler , you know , you know , give us this nice
2 but all d all different meanings and they could pick out and I said well erm it would er be handy for foreign people to have a speaking dictionary because they would be able to pick up the pronunciation of that word would n't they ?
3 I would hope however that the committee members at North Yorkshire will see that the local feeling is so deep that the project itself can not be harmed by a public inquiry and they will make er they will take the decisions which will put this application in that direction and send that message very clearly to the Secretary of State .
4 They receive a substantial annual budget from central government coffers , they may borrow from the national loan fund for commercial purposes and they can make use of the proceeds from land sales .
5 What I hear , which was straight off the phone last night , is that the Dutch fans will team up with the English fans , and back the English fans on to the beach and they will try and drown a few of the English people and they will throw bombs at them .
6 ‘ I want very much to establish two comic homosexual characters and they can revolve around a figure of the establishment like a Richard Dimbleby character — decency , Establishment values . ’
7 Into these , just a crate , and they used to get the old pigs and they used to shove 'em in there , shove the trap down , and they used to load them on the ships , they went back to Poland .
8 Such schemes should be judged on their merits and improved efficiency and they should mean that , in total , the hospitals still carry out all the functions required in the district .
9 He says in other parts of the world and in other parts of Sudan , the charity has been able to resettle refugees by providing land , tools , seeds and rudimentary housing and they can fend for themselves .
10 The constituent units may be of quite different length and they may appear in quite a different order and quite different emphases may be given to particular features of the story , but the corpus as a whole will contain the same set of elements .
11 Their defeat of Grange ‘ D ’ has put them in an unassailable position and they will return to division two after a season 's absence .
12 If they find a cure for say , lung cancer they 'll just have to chase just a tiny bit and they will do cancer .
13 Visitors could speak via a telephone connected to an outside wall and they could wave through the glass .
14 She had promised Julie that she would be well enough to get up the following day and they would take a trip in the pony and trap to visit friends in the area who Julie had not seen for years .
15 And that goes all into a central bank and they 'll find out what the Northern Ireland person is equivalent to the the French and the Spanish
16 Mrs Manners would cook a large early dinner and they would sit and chat about the coming year .
17 Sixteen to eighteen years , they can actually have a normal diet and they can begin to eat all these wonderful things , okay ?
18 But give them a solid economic recovery and they 'll forget it ever happened . ’
19 There was an upfront charge and they will take a proportion of any reduction in debt .
20 Give planaria a mild electric shock and they will respond by curling up ; touch them very gently with a rod , or squirt a mild jet of water at them , and they will not show any response at all .
21 Ask anyone who has been to previous festivals and they will tell you not to miss it .
22 If they did , they would be forced to answer parliamentary questions and they might find that they were responsible for feeding the refugee population .
23 If you are going to double student numbers , then the extra students are going to come from lower-income families and they will need a full grant .
24 As we considered in earlier chapters , public sector organisations are divided into large departments and they will develop cultures of their own .
25 This will consist of the people involved in the technological change and they will play a major role in deciding what strategy to adopt and in following that strategy through .
26 He 'd be there himself except that the newsroom was on sodding tenterhooks waiting to see if Heath would call a sodding snap election and they 'd have to bring out a sodding slip edition .
27 Er it did seem , it did seem , it would seem to a quite a lot of people that they were getting a good deal and they would accept that , and they would , relatively speaking , they were getting a good deal .
28 A person Who has plenty of stamina will have a slower and more powerful heartbeat and they will cope more easily with prolonged or heavy exertion .
29 They very much enjoy having guests to stay on a house-party basis and they will arrange daily activities and entertainments for most evenings .
30 and erm one slight move and they 'll go off
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