Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be [adv] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 The most interesting finding was once again that Blacks had significantly more tried in the Crown Court ( 39 per cent .
2 The problem with British rain is only partly that there has not been enough of it .
3 With regard to stereotyping , the justifiable objections are not only that males and females are depicted as occupying separate and ‘ traditional ’ spheres , but that the books present an over-exaggerated version of contemporary gender roles .
4 Part of the problem that we got back to when we looked over the issues is that what 's happening in the private sector is not just that it 's growing but that it 's very much in an unplanned fashion .
5 Furthermore , the real difficulty is not only that costs seem to be higher in areas of sparse population , but they are also likely to increase as depopulation occurs .
6 The crystallization isotherms of poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) can be fitted by equation ( 11.3 ) using n = 4 above 473 K and n = 2 at 383 K. The equation should be used with caution , however , as non-integer values have been reported and the geometric shape of the morphological unit is not always that predicted by the value of n calculated from the experimental data .
7 ‘ The most disturbing feature of the underground repository is not simply that an accident might occur , ’ he said at the time , ‘ but that if it did , we might never know until its consequences reached the surface — maybe decades later . ’
8 Leaving aside the issue of sovereignty — not of the House but of the people to self-government — the devil of the single currency is not merely that the economies of the Community are simply not convergent and would be prevented from converging by a single currency , but that they are not all at the same point in their economic cycles .
9 The reason why I take such a strong line on the set-aside scheme is not merely that it is right so to do .
10 Do it when other people are around so that someone will see that you are upset and listen to you .
11 I think — I hope — that in a sense the relief of having a young assistant was not only that it helped his work , but that he also welcomed the presence of a younger doctor with more up-to-date medical knowledge .
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