Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Something to do with that bottom light the bloody payment was due yesterday or today whatever 's the twenty sixth .
2 He insists that the Extractive reserves are viable economically as well as socially .
3 How many additional votes it might receive by way of transfers from other parties is quite unpredictable : relatively fewer than the Progressive Democrats , one might surmise , because the distinction between political parties is sharper here than in Ireland , and voters could therefore prove more reluctant to give lower preferences to any but the party they most favour .
4 In fact just as he relied upon intuition and perception rather than sustained argument in his prose discourse , so his public attitudes were imaginative rather than practical .
5 The latter had developed the view that ‘ social norms are constitutive rather than merely regulative of human nature before he was influenced by psychoanalytic theory ’ .
6 General Leclerc , as a soldier , was not , at least not to begin with , and believed not only that the reconquest of Tonkin , even in part , was impossible but that a negotiated settlement was essential even if it conceded independence .
7 Learning to draw Islamic patterns at Eid , or Rangoli patterns at Diwali can not be considered to be mathematics unless the mathematical ideas embedded in the patterns are fully explored — considering rotation , reflection and translation can turn this investigation into one where the place of mathematics in different cultures is clear rather than leaving one feeling that examples of important geometric ideas are somehow ‘ outside ’ the real world of mathematics .
8 An even more important distinction is the fact that the remedial work is expressive rather than productive .
9 Men seemed happier to think their sexual inadequacies were emotional rather than physical ; they 'd rather believe women want affection and tenderness than think about women 's nitty gritty physical needs .
10 The sight of his old foe was bad enough but Boro 's new boy would happen to choose Hendrie 's peg on which to hang his clothes before his debut training session .
11 For Dr Oliver to dismiss the knowledge and skill base of the method — which is breathtakingly more advanced than anything we have in the West — by claiming that conductive education is successful simply because it is an ‘ intervention system which raises expectations ’ is to ignore a number of important points .
12 It did n't take him long to master the basics of what British Steel was all about and he has been just as versatile in acquiring an understanding of a diverse range of other businesses , from computers and oil drilling to knitwear machines .
13 The inter-war German democracy was precarious precisely because it was grafted on to a social order that had failed to create the very basic social and political conditions that would allow a democratic system to flourish , but also because while German expansion in the east had been halted , the drive to the east was still seen as a tantalising solution to all of Germany 's problems .
14 Course we was feverishly trying to chip the bricks and things off the horse then how , what had happened because we 'd got two stalls for them , and there was pigs in the one side and the horse in the other one , but of course when we eventually came to it , or they eventually came to the horse , he was dead , been killed standing up there like , you know and er , poor old pigs was all dead as well and as I said , about a hundred fell and two or three would been blown sky high .
15 He dislikes aspects of life with Lancashire , especially the dictate that at certain times he should wear tie and blazer ; he rightly resents missing out on a sponsored car when the county toured Australia ; he recalls verbal run-ins with opponents , including Viv Richards , and believes the Australians ' tough attitude is simply ‘ rude ’ ; and he thinks that many English players are terrified long before they go out to bat ’ .
16 Not only do the results have no bearing on rankings — and therefore do not matter — but they are forgotten so far as historical records are concerned almost before the players have walked off the court .
17 It can only work on local regions of the image and , moreover , in the real world the distribution of light intensity is two-dimensional rather than one-dimensional .
18 Soviet reports on the French idea were factual rather than critical .
19 The social cost is higher still if oligopolists waste society 's resources lobbying for monopoly power or incurring unnecessary expenditure to deter entrants .
20 In those days , I think the Home Office and the Foreign Office were full up and we were getting people from universities and some of them were pretty useless , heads full of all sorts of knowledge but no common sense .
21 Relationships and personal projects are valuable only if they realize something of value .
22 Once the observer decides that the mismatch of intended and actual activities is negative rather than positive as far as helping the children to learn is concerned , he will need to identify where modification is necessary .
23 This bland characterisation is apt only if B is misleadingly conceived as a person who has had his conviction quashed on the basis of successfully arguing one of his points of appeal .
24 Whatever the noise , though , the average speed is little more than 40mph .
25 The legal system should also provide adequate protection for the exercise of citizenship rights , and here there are questions as to whether the present system under which civil liberties are residual rather than rights is adequate .
26 The implication of the study was that assisted areas are not of themselves ‘ uneconomic places ’ ; the rate of closure in assisted areas was higher simply because they had attracted investment in expanding products in the 1960s which were at the stage of losing markets twenty years later .
27 It is a supreme act of faith by Colne Shipping of Lowestoft , but the additional boats are secondhand rather than new-built .
28 ‘ It is a drug used in medicine since 1935 and its serious side-effects are rare even when it is prescribed at high concentrations for long periods .
29 The traditional elements that make up the perfect day are all here and it 's equally delicious — but careful use of low-fat spreads , skimmed milk and steamed vegetables mean big savings in calories .
30 We also know that when a new layer arrived , it was not deposited simultaneously all over the preceding layer , it was unrolled from one side or the other , so that the actual contact was progressive rather than synchronous .
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