Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] he have [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 This was in recognition both of the 40th anniversary of his debut with the company and of the strenuous part he has played in bringing to fruition this ambitious project .
2 He himself was only a little shy — and obviously very proud of the English words he 'd acquired in the few months since his arrival .
3 His mind filled with primitive lore and with a sense of awkwardness at the numerous exhausting social roles he had to play in addition to that of the London banker , Eliot wrote to Mary Hutchinson in 1920 worrying about his inherited characteristics and suggesting that he might be a savage himself .
4 Erskine , long resident in Stockholm , is known for the warm , humane domestic , public and commercial buildings he has designed in Sweden over the past 50 years .
5 A YOUNG man was so desperate to see a French schoolgirl he had fallen in love with he stole a 10ft inflatable boat and tried to cross the Channel in it , a court heard yesterday .
6 Quinn pushed open the street-door , which opened outwards , closed it behind him , dropped a wooden wedge he had carved in the privacy of the toilet under the sill and gave it a hard kick .
7 The mother-daughter relationship he had witnessed in London had moved him so profoundly that he had fallen in love with them both .
8 I look at a photograph of my father still in uniform , taken at Loch Lomond before he was demobbed , as he stands smiling between his younger brother and the English friend he had met in an Italian POW camp .
9 Trent lay on the roof under a rubber poncho he 'd found in the kitchen .
10 The story was an apparently true one concerning a certain butler who had travelled with his employer to India and served there for many years maintaining amongst the native staff the same high standards he had commanded in England .
11 Whatever sexual imaginings he 'd shaped in the darkness — Judith 's face , Judith 's breasts , belly , sex — all of them had been an illusion .
12 The Colonel had recalled exciting nights he had spent in the open , round the naphthalene lamp , enticing and trapping moths ; he had enthused over bits of bone he had excavated in the peat bog .
13 It was something at work , or some other woman , or some painful inadequacy he 'd discovered in himself , but he was blaming me .
14 Milky blue eyes disappearing behind bushy eyebrows , Thesiger told interviewer Julian Pettifer of the dignity , pure morality and barbaric splendour he had found in civilizations since destroyed by ‘ the drab uniformity of the modern world ’ .
15 He knows he is doing wrong but it is just that , in certain situations of moral dilemma he has to act in ways that involve violence .
16 Mountbatten attempted to persuade the Dutch to adopt the same liberal policy he had followed in Burma .
17 Byrnes began to retreat from his unilateral dealings with the USSR , especially when the limited agreements he had concluded in Moscow in December 1945 were sharply criticized back home as a return to appeasement .
18 The slave wars are not to be separated , in Posidonius ' mind , from the civil wars he had seen in his own time .
19 Still trying to regain the imposing form he had displayed in the past days at Celtic and West Ham , there was a strong suspicion that McAvennie was past his prime .
20 Using the magnifying glass he had found in the left-hand drawer , Ben had shown her how the print of the reflected newspaper was subtly different from the one the man held .
21 In the following year he had succeeded in attracting so much public attention that the government was obliged to hurry through parliament a new Merchant Shipping Act setting a fixed load line for ships — the " Plimsoll Line " .
22 Escaping from under the pillow on the bed was the hem of a caftan , the soft kind he 'd slept in all the time I 'd known him .
23 But his full-bottomed wig he has kept in the hope that his barrister son , also Bernard , will one day need it as a QC .
24 Just then Dexter 's friend came up — a white girl he had kept in contact with from his schooldays .
25 Using all the healing lore he had learned in the White Tower he managed to summon Tyrion 's spirit back from the brink of the abyss .
26 Soon all my master 's neighbours were talking about the strange little creature he had found in a field .
27 He bought groceries to last him the week , then popped next door to the frame shop to pick up the stainless steel frame he 'd ordered for a James Barker black and white print he 'd obtained in an auction some weeks before .
28 Denis Cannan 's Dear Daddy ( 1976 ) , again , another successful stage comedy , tells of a virtuous middle-aged family man whose life is triumphantly self-organised down to its last petty details — exactly one-third of a bottle of wine at dinner every evening — until the comfortable domestic order he has created in his second marriage turns into an object of irrational despair to those around him ; and when his first wife , ruined by alcohol , abruptly re-enters his world , he is forced to accept a share of deferred responsibility for the wreckage of her life .
29 He was scraping the glue away from a broken Chinese blue-and-white bowl he 'd bought in the Portobello Road , and repaired , two fiendishly excited horsemen chasing a timid little fallow-deer .
30 Not only that : his was the round , jolly face he had seen in the window the day he had been hit on the head outside the room where he had been watching the Occultation of the Twenty-fourth Imam of the Wimbledon Dharjees .
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