Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] to [Wh det] be [be] " in BNC.

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1 Even if the faults are apparent , a deaf person would be very wary of criticising for fear that the interpreter would no longer co-operate and that even the slim link to what is being discussed in hearing company will be taken away .
2 In other words , the counsellor must seek the real feelings of the counsellee through careful listening to what is being said , how it is being said , and how this appears to relate to the real situation .
3 Secondly , if you listen carefully you are more likely to make the right responses to what is being said to you .
4 We had a motion which was put before Conference last year and it was carried and it was asking for a similar review to what 's being asked for this morning .
5 This will mean that you will be in possession of more information and facts than people who pay scant attention to what is being said .
6 Maintain an open questioning attitude to what 's being said .
7 The alert and attentive reader , however , usually brings critical attention to what is being read and reacts in some way .
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