Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [ex0] [vb -s] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In the public sector there has to be accountability to the public or the client .
2 It follows that behind every statement we make about the historical Jesus there has to be a tacit qualification : ‘ We are told this by such-and-such an evangelist , writing in a particular literary mode , far a particular audience , in a particular place at a particular period of history . ’
3 To it 's even worse I mean there , there does n't even seem to be a government in the there 's just a police force and an army and no one making political decisions , so it 's a peculiarity of recent political philosophy there seems to be no room left for the democratic process to do much apart from administer , so the democracy is given a very minor role .
4 Within these rural areas there seems to be a definite preference in favour of not only smaller towns ( i.e. those below 50,000 people ) but also villages , for both the periods 1961–71 and 1971–81 , and for both the USA and England and Wales as shown in Table 5.2 .
5 For this successful local experiment to have national implications there has to be a fundamental shift in attitudes .
6 Automatic fire fighting installations capable of achieving total control and extinguishment appear to be the only answer but because of the almost total reliance which must be placed on their automatic capability there appears to be a need for greater flexibility in use than totally automatic operation would provide , and particularly to ensure that an entire system is not rendered inoperative by some local effect .
7 Under current law there has to be a connection between an insider and the company whose shares he deals in .
8 On a comparative basis there seems to be less value placed on professional development in Strathclyde than in systems elsewhere , particularly in Australia .
9 For government regulation to be a good move there needs to be confirmation that the drug is harmless , and there is the ‘ thinend-of-the-wedge ’ argument — that it will break the taboo surrounding other more noxious substances .
10 For depressed patients there appears to be an increased risk of suicide immediately after discharge from hospital ( Pokorny 1964 ) .
11 There is clearly — indeed there would have to be — more to Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's life than the sources record , and while in a general way it is unquestionably right to urge caution in adopting Husameddin 's material , in this particular case there appears to be evidence which at the least requires an alternative explanation before being dismissed .
12 For some inexplicable reason there seems to be a connection between weighing-in time and bingeing .
13 The disk is round to subpentagonal , lacking calcareous plates in the centre and often will poorly developed plates around the periphery ; in some preserved specimens there appears to be interradial rays of thickened skin ; diameter up to 24 mm .
14 In the Western societies there seems to be little inclination at present to embark upon fresh experiments in political action on the scale of the 1960s .
15 ‘ The first question to be decided by the court is whether on the undisputed or incontrovertible facts there appears to be a question deserving fuller investigation and whether it might reasonably be held on the substantive hearing that it would be in the interests of the child for a ‘ residence order ’ to be made .
16 Thus , for example , within local government there appears to be an increasing tendency to move towards a more decentralised service provision and organisational structure ; at the next level of government the centre may be wishing to increase its control over what local government does .
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