Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [am/are] [v-ing] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 British companies are beginning to be more aware of the needs of their disabled employees , and the potential benefits of continuing their employment .
2 But if the authority 's decision has inflicted irreparable damage on the applicant — for example , if it has pulled down his or her house in pursuance of an invalid demolition order — the remedies of public law are going to be much less satisfactory for the applicant .
3 In that way , the French banks are trying to be Japanese , to set up a community of interest between themselves and their clients .
4 In either event it is no longer safe to assume that non-human animals are just small versions of us , so direct extrapolations are going to be a risky business .
5 ‘ Vicars and old ladies are beginning to be in a minority .
6 If hon. Members are going to be glued to their television sets , as apparently some are at home , there will be even fewer of them about anyway .
7 Where Raw Stylus are coming from is that area where much of the best British music is currently being produced : the vibrant vibrazone where jazz and soul tunes collide with a hard hip hop feel .
8 A lot of future conflicts are going to be fought out on this new cultural terrain and the left needs a better understanding of it .
9 When you 're inviting speakers , discover what their real needs are going to be .
10 Four hundred veteran cars are going to be leaving London 's Westminster Bridge on Sunday , the start of the annual London to Brighton car run .
11 the feasibility of creating usable , affordable authoring systems employing artificial intelligence , vitally important if interactive media are going to be designed with the right combination of instructional and content design ;
12 Not only businessmen and white-collar professionals are going to be savaged by Neil Kinnock and John Smith .
13 The metal crowd were really quite ancient but now we 've got a mum monitor who answers the phone and reassures all the mums that their little ones are going to be OK . ’
14 Hundreds of flooded cellars are having to be pumped clear before many shops and business premises can reopen .
15 Well I meant to say , if , if , if we , if there is an assurance that elderly people are going to be helped , and there 's going to be a day centre there , I think we do handle the elderly pretty much anyway in this county , I would be certainly prepared to support it .
16 ‘ Despite what people say , I think it will be a long time until black people are going to be in a position to do that .
17 This could either indicate that online services are failing to be useful , which is doubtful given the significant use that planners make of them , or that the online services have not lived up to the planners ' expectations .
18 Finally , look after your health — if you are really going to the top enormous demands are going to be made on your time and strength and you can not afford to be careless . ’
19 The prospect of environmental catastrophe has shown us how fragile life is , how inter-dependent we all are , how difficult it is going to be to find our way out — and how important ideas are going to be to finding it .
20 so if blind people are trying to be on the same level terms with sighted people , then , you know , why should they get an
21 Once you have decided where the mounting pillars are going to be inserted you are nearly done .
22 I would say that if er if the inner cities are going to be saved in anyway , it 's time it 's past time now for things to happen .
23 In all election campaigns , incumbent governments are going to be given a harder time than the Opposition .
24 The term ‘ resource ’ covers all assets available to man , and some further resources of polar regions are coming to be valued increasingly in a crowded world .
25 The lowest overnight temperatures are going to be around 5 degrees celsius , that 's 41 degrees fahrenheit .
26 The wealthy nations are going to be better able to use and organise information , whose value will be very much more closely linked to the value of goods .
27 Open years are proving to be open wounds for Lloyd 's .
28 And the ten days after open day are going to be mad .
29 Many more life-saving drugs are waiting to be made from rainforest species .
30 Alright , he could grow wheat , or he could grow , grow barley , possibly he could transfer into milk production , pig production , erm , so the prices of all those other commodities are going to be important .
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