Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [am/are] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many of the grandest names in European gunmaking are represented including the so-called ‘ Meister der Tierkopfranke ’ , Armand Bongarde of Düsseldorf , Hieronymous Borstorffer of Munich , Moritz of Kassel , Desgranges of Paris , Philippe de Sellier of Liège , and Jan Flock of Utrecht .
2 ( B ) The free and complexed DNA fragment populations were separated by electrophoresis through a 5% native polyacrylamide gel ( 8 ) ; the gel was then immersed and equilibrated into a buffer-containing plastic tray , and the retarded ( SC = specific complex , NSC = non-specific complex ) and unretarded ( F = free ) DNA species were exposed in situ to mild modification with DMS ( representative methylations are indicated by the black arrowheads ) .
3 There was no colour bar , because normal rules are applied for the selection of recruits and it just happens that black and Asian people fall the tests .
4 The associated keywords are listed at the end of each explanation .
5 It is to be noted that need is not referred to albeit that , in practice , many applications for interim payment are made with the specific intent of securing a sum designed to meet a specific need or requirement of the pursuer .
6 Protein-based products are used for the maintenance and reconstruction of the inner and outer layers of the hair and are particularly beneficial on chemically damaged hair .
7 I occasionally hear it said that the Institute 's technical policies are determined by the Secretariat in concert with the big London firms , and that the district societies no longer have any say in the matter .
8 Monetary policies are determined by the federal government , and targets for increases in credits , decisions about ‘ selective ’ priority credits , and the levels of different interest rates are included in the annual Economic Resolution adopted by the Skupština .
9 Where abbreviated accounts are filed with the Registrar of Companies , a special auditors ' report should be filed instead of the report on the full accounts .
10 As we shall see , many but not all liberal theories of political freedom are based on the endorsement of one or another of several principles of restraint , of which the principle of neutrality is one .
11 Women are certainly oppressed , but these sex-based inequalities do not constitute a stratification system : for most women social and economic rewards are determined by the position of the male head of the family .
12 The theories propose that above this energy the strong interactions are unified with the weak and electromagnetic interactions , but that at lower energies there is spontaneous symmetry breaking .
13 These entrenched attitudes are represented by the Wilcox family , and especially by Henry ( Anthony Hopkins ) and his son Charles ( James Wilby ) .
14 Hierarchical relationships are represented in the thesaurus by statements of the form : A is permitted , but consider using B or C or , … ,
15 These developments in British economic thinking are shown by the publication of two remarkable business texts , which were widely read and discussed in the early 1960s. first , appearing under the title Management 's Mission in a New Society , were 20 provocative papers , originally written in celebration of the first 50 years of the Harvard Business School .
16 In both these inseparable activities , more specific guidelines are provided in the instructor boxes .
17 Increasingly the most strident political voices are raised in the name of free enterprise and law and order , not for equity and social justice .
18 G. caputmedusae differs from G. arcticus ( Fig. 8 ) as follows : the arms are densely covered in granules which are absent or sparse in G. arcticus ; in G. arcticus the granules or low spinelets are confined to the radial shields with a very sparse scattering of smaller granules interradially .
19 These changes in agricultural practice are discussed in the section on Farmland .
20 The key term here is ‘ control ’ whose biological and political connotations are applied to the ordering of Pynchon 's text .
21 Britain needs a balanced energy policy , which ensures that our varied and rich reserves are utilized in the most efficient way .
22 Non specific signals are indicated by the letter C.
23 No distinction was made between different levels of stress and only primary and secondary stressed vowels are differentiated from the remainder of the vowels .
24 When work is complete on any given tables the most recent versions of the text of new or modified entries are returned to the archive .
25 He argues that class conflicts and economic crises are built into the way the economic system works , and they can not be avoided .
26 More advanced lakes are found in the maritime Antarctic .
27 European eyes are fixed on the first of these figures : public spending that is now shooting through the ceiling set in the EC 's self-denying ordinance of 1988 .
28 This is particularly so when it is remembered that the working parties are serviced by the DES , whose influence on a group of disparate experts meeting only intermittently and working under great pressure , is very considerable indeed .
29 Economic considerations are mediated through the minds of human beings who live in a social world , which means that the impact of economics is crucially conditioned by ideology — a notion which has been explored and expanded by the Marxist theorists to whom we now turn .
30 Interest in whether parity and the use of oral contraceptives are associated with the development of symptomatic gall bladder disease has been stimulated by the consistent finding that women of reproductive age have a higher incidence of symptomatic and symptom free gall bladder disease compared with men of the same age .
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