Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] he [verb] make " in BNC.

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1 He had simply hesitated to take the plunge and stake on a worthwhile weekend with her , and it was pure chance that he had made up his mind just after he had learned her name .
2 As a demob-happy Member of the House , may I ask the Secretary of State whether he realises the absolute shambles that he has made of Territorial Army recruitment ?
3 Carson pulled out his pad and tried to read the shaky notes that he 'd made on the Underground .
4 Then the enormous effort that he had to make to move away from her , rolling heavily on to his back and then staring up at the sky .
5 He became a zealous agent of Thomas Cromwell in the Dissolution and , according to John Foxe , ‘ repented him very muche that he had made Songes to Popish Ditties in the time of his blindnes ’ and seemingly abandoned composition .
6 Cade occurs frequently in the early pipe rolls of Henry II 's reign , where payments to him of around £5,600 are recorded , in settlement of various loans that he had made to the Crown .
7 Had he kicked three more penalties during the Bledisloe Cup series instead of watching them rebound off the posts or miss by a whisker , Fox 's average would have been identical to Hodgkinson 's twenty-eight points from his last two matches amounts to ample proof that he has made a complete recovery from the doldrums of Dublin last October when he spoke of retirement in the immediate aftermath of the All Blacks losing their titles .
8 I not only listened to the hon. Gentleman 's arguments tonight , but I have read the other speeches that he has made throughout the passage of the Bill .
9 Only see one way in which we are like God is in having moral and spiritual capacities no other creature has moral and spiritual capacities , they do not of the potential to worship , they do not of a code er , er , of moral laws , they 're not governed by that , it 's a case of , of the , might makes right , it 's a case of the strongest the one that survives and the weakest goes to the wall you 've only got to look er at a litter of pups and the last one is the one that 's pushed to the back every time is n't it , there 's no moral law there , those pups and the , and the bitch does n't er work out , that because that one is weaker it should be getting more , more nourishment , it should be cared for better , it does n't work like that in any thing else , but God has placed within humanity a moral responsibility and his place within as a spiritual capacity , were more than just animals , were created in his image , so God created us , capable of knowing him and growing to be like him and in his original creation they 're in need of , the , the , the highlight of it was when he came down and communicated and talked with Adam and Eve there in the garden and shared his heart with them and there was this perfect commune between God the creator and man his creation , he never did it to any animal , he did n't go and talk to the trees and the plants perfect though they were , he never looked on any of the other creatures that he had made , wonderful though they may be , beautiful in their colouring , and go and talk with them , but he talks with Adam and he shares his heart with him his purpose is that Adam should communicate with him and walk with him and has fellowship with him , growing to be like him , but you see even though God created us like that , he did n't create us as puppets , it was n't God up in heaven pulling the strings and Adam did that and Eve did this and that was how it were , God is not a puppeteer and he made as capable of choosing good and evil , he gave us moral choices , because he made us his moral beings and so we could choose to do this and not to do that , we could choose to , to do this and to leave the other undone .
10 She could see by his self-satisfied expression that he intended to make himself a fixture , and somehow , despite her friendship with Elaine , the thought of having to work closely with James on a day-to-day basis made Christina 's flesh crawl .
11 It was now that Sean realised the bad decision that he had made .
12 Many generous and warm tributes have been paid to my right hon. Friend the Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) for not only his speech but the massive contribution that he has made to this Parliament and our country during the last generation .
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