Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Certain of the various inert gas isotopes have to be excluded , some because they are of sufficiently low mass to escape in appreciable quantities from the terrestrial planets , others because they are produced by the radioactive decay of isotopes of elements other than inert gases , and others for both reasons .
2 The highly transient nature of the casual labour force in hotels and catering , and the low attachment to work of many casuals — itself often related to the fact that their jobs are very much part-time — mean that the unions ' task will scarcely be an easy one .
3 Under such circumstances , permissive legal structures have enabled governments or private employers to resort to strike-breaking tactics involving the police or military to prevent or undermine trade union organisation .
4 The governing body will almost certainly need to set up sub-committees or working groups to look at different aspects of the school 's development .
5 At the same time it urged the US Federal Reserve Board to revert to pre-1979 policies , concentrating on management of interest rates rather than of the money supply .
6 It was clear to The Times that bankruptcy was far less of a protection to creditors than a licence to dishonest traders to speculate with other persons ' property .
7 Thus Southwark , which exports 70% of adults needing residential care , will not receive adequate funding to pay for future placements .
8 Before the summer holidays , the House of Lords carried an amendment moved by Lord Peyton a former Conservative minister , which allows British rail to bid against private companies for franchises to operate services .
9 This period around 1967 was the time of the big change-over in the airline business from piston engines to jets , so it was clear that the programme I had selfishly pursued for my own good was in fact a proper course to follow for all Ops inspectors if they were to continue to be able to do their work effectively .
10 There can be no doubt that the normal British ideal was for adults of different generations to live in separate houses .
11 And , although many quota films were , inevitably , bland transpositions of stage plays , there was an area of quickie production which , by taking stories of murder , robbery and blackmail from the newspapers , prepared British cinema to deal with tougher issues than its obsession with middle-class theatre allowed .
12 It is possible for social inequality to exist without social strata .
13 She did not tell me that the poor hungry children had to wash with ice in the morning , and walk through wet snow to sit for two hours with icy feet in a cold church on Sundays .
14 While Lord Scarman was careful not to enter the political dispute between the Government and the Labour party on issues such as unemployment and housing , his call for more direct action to deal with these problems , along with racial disadvantage , posed a challenge to the political legitimacy of the policies which the Government had followed from 1979 onwards .
15 The shop carries a wide range of Scottish fiction and poetry , including the first complete collection of the poetry of Mary Queen of Scots , Bittersweet Within My Heart , compiled and edited by regular Library reader Robin Bell , and the first collection of poems by Angus Peter Campbell , the man hailed as the greatest Scottish poet to emerge in 20 years .
16 It is in any case always sound practice to start with two machines rather than one , so that there is a backup machine if one breaks down .
17 More than 100 development groups throughout the world are working on the technology , many of them attempting to update old designs to work with modern engines .
18 Conservative Central Office will be able to make much of the suggestion that , under a Labour administration , secondary picketing would once again be lawful , that unions which ignored the courts would no longer face the possibility of sequestration and that it would not be possible for employers or other interested parties to apply for interim injunctions postponing precipitate strikes .
19 Indeed , hydroxyl radical scavening is an unlikely mode of action in vivo for most drugs because the drugs are never present in tissues at sufficiently high concentrations to compete with biological molecules for the hydroxyl radicals generated in vivo .
20 They 've created a civil service , and trained Arabs to work like French bureaucrats .
21 Hamrouche declared his intention of submitting a joint venture bill-allowing foreign companies to participate in Algerian enterprises-to the next session of the National Assembly .
22 Indeed , the attendance allowance system has made it possible for councillors from a broader social range to serve on local authorities but this is far removed from receiving a salary .
23 If the project concerns a standard electronic package to go into several products , the project leader may well come from the service department concerned .
24 The Commission proposed retaining the principle of paying farmers direct subsidies to compensate for significant cuts in price support from 1993 to 1996 .
25 We 're told that it is not a commercial fish to breed in large numbers and that it is species more suited for the specialist or advanced hobbyist .
26 A tentative hypothesis is that this relates to real differences in the means by which knowledge is disseminated in the scientific and non-scientific disciplines — the large numbers of scientific journals as compared to those in the arts , and the pressures on the scientific community to publish at all costs .
27 As it happened , I had that same morning been giving thought to the dilemma of whether or not I was expected to reciprocate my employer 's bantering , and had been seriously worried at how he might be viewing my repeated failure to respond to such openings .
28 This is also a popular place to stop for hot drinks in winter , cold in summer or coffee and brandy any time .
29 The Europa e Concordia has proved a popular place to stay with many guests who appreciate its well-appointed style .
30 It can be simply introduced , either by supplementary licensing , with a daily charge to drive in certain areas or by applying more sophisticated under-street and on-vehicle technology that would allow ‘ fine-tuning ’ of the charge according to the need to reduce traffic in particular areas prone to jams or at particularly congested times of day .
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