Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] [pron] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , and more importantly , speakers who are not familiar with the use of weak forms are likely to have difficulty understanding speakers who do use weak forms ; since practically all native speakers of British English use them , learners of the language need to learn about these weak forms to help them to understand what they hear .
2 They needed to engage more senior and junior counsel to help them to fight what looked like turning into a very long legal battle .
3 And believe it or not we 've got to put him on a high chair to enable him to manage his instrument . ’
4 Along the way , we also visit some true traditional English Inns to enable you to refresh yourself , soak up the atmosphere and who knows maybe contact the spirits as they ceaselessly wander .
5 This involved a time-consuming combination of formal committees and informal conversations with people outside meetings to encourage them to voice their doubts and opinions .
6 Negotiations took place with the orthopaedic department to enable me to refer my own patients .
7 Various treatment options are open , and it is important that couples receive appropriate counselling to enable them to decide which option is best suited to their personal and physiological needs .
8 Oh it 's obvious that safety 's involved , I think that er it 's also er road use because er if people take a long time er going forwards and back trying to get into a space to park because they do n't have the basic skills to enable them to do it , then it 's frustrating for other motorists , and obviously accidents can be caused .
9 They showed , from time to time , a faint suspicious desire to force her to provide her non-existent credentials , but every time , just as their forces gathered for the attack , she would produce out of her hat some new and dazzling boyfriend , all ready to pay tribute to her elusive powers .
10 It was threatening to resume bombing on the mainland and it is suspected that the closures were linked with indirect negotiations to induce them to change their intention .
11 It probably wo n't be long , before Kenan 's nagging John to take him to see his favourite football team .
12 It probably wo n't be long , before Kenan 's nagging John to take him to see his favourite football team .
13 If you live in the same house as your landlord and your share living accommodation , ( e.g. kitchen or bathroom ) then once a Notice to Quit has been served upon you and has expired your landlord has the legal right to order you to leave your accommodation .
14 This program also loaded in target word for each position into an associative array to allow it to determine which word in a position is the target .
15 FRANZ Klammer , one of the world 's greatest downhill skiers , has celebrated his 39th birthday in the Colorado ski resort of Copper Mountain , where the resort went to extraordinary lengths to enable him to indulge his other passion , golf .
16 ‘ It 's a good thing to do something to keep your mind occupied , you know .
17 Interactive Network Inc , pioneering interactive television services from its Mountain View base , pulled its offering of 2.5m shares due to market conditions , and has turned to four of its shareholders , National Broadcasting Co Inc ; Gannett Co Inc ; Rainbow Programming Holdings Inc and Paul Kagan , which together provided a short-term loan to enable it to continue its current operations .
18 She could see Keith , crouched over his papers , and she rapped on the living-room window to tell him to let her in .
19 However , the ex-British Caribbean territories share enough of their social and linguistic history to allow us to call them , for some purposes , a single language community .
20 So individuals and groups will play political games to position themselves to gain their preferred outcomes .
21 So she opted for desperate measures to get him to change his image .
22 ‘ What we had done was to manufacture this and other statistical indices to allow us to prove our point and push a particular policy line , irrespective of the economic realities of the country , ’ says Budhoo , who claims that such ‘ errors ’ were commonplace within the Fund .
23 The renovation grants section must consult the local social services department , and will normally arrange for an occupational therapist to visit you to assess your needs .
24 Western concern over the control structure governing the nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union had been compounded by reports in January that some Third-World countries , including Iran , Iraq , and Libya , had offered ex-Soviet scientists substantial financial rewards to persuade them to develop their nuclear programmes .
25 In the study by Brainard and Perry , this fear is also expressed by Dornbusch , who argues that the increased pressures of competition induced by the SEM will lead to calls by the lower productivity member states to increase the levels of external protection to allow them to maintain their threatened industrial structures .
26 This aid is made possible by donations , legacies and fund-raising activities and the Society is grateful for all such financial aid to enable it to continue its work .
27 Goma appealed to the man who denounced the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 to stand up and be counted , and so give an example to his fellow citizens to persuade them to overcome their reticence about signing the Charter :
28 It draws on the Children Act guidance on family replacements , where section 9.5.3 states : ‘ Gay young men and women may require very sympathetic carers to enable them to accept their sexuality and to develop their own self esteem . ’
29 Again , apart from alerting you to the likely development of a problem here , such inspections will help to ensure that even with a painful condition , the dog will have sufficient confidence to allow you to treat it without attempting to snap or simply pulling its head away repeatedly .
30 This is just another one of your rotten macho tricks to get me to do what you want , but it wo n't work ! ’
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