Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun sg] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some left-wing accounts of liberal corporatism see it as enhancing the economic and political bargaining power of labour by comparison with its economic disorganization under competitive capitalism or its political regimentation under state socialism ( Crouch 1975 , 1982 ) .
2 The simplicity and low user cost of Carfax with its medium-wave capabilities seem more attractive than ever .
3 Recently promoted and transferred to New Oreleans as assistant division manager of assets for Texaco 's Gulf of Mexico operations .
4 In my case , growing up just before the new wave of feminism , I consider that the transition from adolescence to adulthood was effected by participation in a strong peer group of girls at school .
5 Margaret Gray of the ‘ Friends ’ reminds us that a subscription , or one of their limited edition prints would be a great festive gift for a warbird lover and would be supporting the astounding warbird fleet of TFC at Duxford .
6 In June 1987 eight Islamic Shia factions , based in Iran , formed the Islamic Coalition Council of Afghanistan under Abdul Karim Khaleeli : the Afghan Nasr Organization ; the Guardians of Islamic Jihad in Afghanistan ; the United Islamic Front of Afghanistan ; the Islamic Force of Afghanistan ; the Dawa Party of Islamic Unity of Afghanistan ; the Harakat-e Islami Afghanistan ( the Islamic Movement of Afghanistan , Ayatollah Asef Mohseni l. ) ; the Hezbollah ; and the Islamic Struggle for Afghanistan .
7 If , on the other hand , the private key process of verification of authenticity involves a manual or visual type of verification , and can be read by anyone , how does this procedure provide the minimum security required by the lawful holder ?
8 Coming into Brindisi Harbour , he noticed that on the roof of a high rise block of flats under the wing float , lay a lovely Latin sunbathing .
9 The link between the Habsburg dynasty and the South Slav peoples began in the late thirteenth century , following the defeat of Ottokar , the Przemysl king of Austria-Bohemia by the German prince Rudolf of Habsburg at the battle of the Marchfeld near Vienna in 1278 .
10 Two huge thermal power stations stand shoulder to shoulder on the edge of the charming university town of Pecs in southern Hungary .
11 In 1924 his widow sold the dramatic rights of Dracula to Hamilton Deane , who adapted it for the stage ; in 1930 the rights were bought by the Universal Pictures Corporation of Hollywood for $40,000 .
12 The Synoptic Gospels ( Matthew , Mark , Luke ) in the New Testament and the Old Testament book of Kings with its parallel in Chronicles are the exceptions .
13 When Piper bought out the old-established light aircraft firm of Stinson in 1949–50 it inherited the Twin-Stinson , a light twin of generous proportions which , in original form , had twin fins and a pair of 135 hp Lycoming engines .
14 In late October there were reports of heavy fighting in Kapisa and Parwan provinces north of Khabul between Hezb-i-Islami guerrillas and Uzbek fighters loyal to Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostam .
15 He was chairman of the Methodist College Board of Governors for a number of years and died in 1938 .
16 Seventeen people died in armed clashes in Palestinian-controlled areas east of Sidon on Feb. 15 , when members of Fatah suppressed a rebellion by other Fatah regulars who were refusing to hand over their positions to the Lebanese army .
17 The restructuring charges that Digital Equipment Corp is taking with its year-end figures are so enormous that they swamp everything else , but even before them , business was lousy with a fourth-quarter operating loss of $188.1m before the restructuring charge of $1,500m .
18 Within a 22-mile radius there are several National Trust properties including : Castle Drogo , a splendid private house ; Knightshayes Court , a fine Victorian mansion ; the old mining village of Lydford with its spectacular gorge ; and Killerton House , an 18th-century residence with an outstanding garden .
19 One of them was his habitual slowness , especially in handling and totting up cash ; for , before he took up duties in the foreign exchange department of Lloyds in the semi-basement room at the branch at 20 King William Street ( no wonder that the eyes and back , at the end of the day , turned ‘ upward ’ from the desk ) , he worked for a period behind the counter .
20 They further suggest that given the generally high degree performance of NSEs with 1 A-level , Access course students may benefit from taking an A-level course of study .
21 There has , for example , been a marked reduction in direct council provision of homes for the elderly and a concomitant increase in privately run homes .
22 Trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London , which was followed by repertory theatre in various parts of the country , national tours , and theatre abroad , Vienna , Stockholm , the Caribbean , and a British Council tour of Betrayal in Switzerland and Portugal .
23 The first-past-the-post plurality method of election in single-member constituencies , it was argued , did not allow realization of the principle of " one person , one vote , one value . "
24 Nevertheless to make it really easy to reach your daily dietary fibre target of 30g plus , it is an excellent idea to have one regular , constant daily meal breakfast is ideal because we tend not to vary our breakfasts — to supply about half the requirement .
25 There were , however , many rural societies and branches of larger societies , whose members were agricultural labourers , who often had the advantage of regular if not of high wages ; and the high fall-out rate of membership of most societies testifies to the numbers who aspired to the security provided by membership but could not maintain regular payments .
26 In view of the high profile nature of lifts in a hotel , the contracts normally include for special attention to be given to the cosmetics of the lift installation .
27 In 1942 , to someone coming from Edinburgh with its romantic Old Town skyline of spires against hills , contrasting with the austere classical splendours of the Georgian New Town , Wolverton was something of a cultural shock .
28 Try looking for the old Cinque Port of Rye along the coast and you 'll be disappointed .
29 I hope that the Maastricht treaties will be the high water mark of federalism in Europe .
30 The worst avalanche disaster was at the French Alps resort of Val-d'Isere in 1970 when 39 people died .
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