Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [subord] [pers pn] [is] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Regional Headquarters immediately it is received from the DHSS .
2 Procedures for conciliation and mediation between the two sides of industry should be encouraged , and contractual relations established at the European level if it is deemed desirable .
3 This is the technique favoured by the British Deaf Association as it is thought to give the child the greatest chance of expression and understanding .
4 Mr Hughes , a keen fisherman , said : ‘ I think it 's an important case , an absolutely historical case because it 's reactivated the power of common law in this terrific issue of water quality in rivers . ’
5 How , for example , can a man be a British citizen when he is born in a foreign country of foreign parents and has never been naturalised ?
6 Consequently , ‘ one may rationally stick to a degenerating programme until it is overtaken by a rival and even after ’ .
7 The RR wiper motor is mounted in rubber bushes where it is screwed to the bulkhead .
8 You 're effectively cheating your body by reducing your calorie intake and your body sends out different responses because it 's confused .
9 Furthermore , all donated blood is tested for antibodies to HIV and other blood-borne infections before it is used .
10 The animal 's essence ( or the Spirits of Nature ) will seek redress or retribution against the hunter , his family or social group if it is killed without prior approval or proper conduct .
11 One of the ponies at my local stable always gets a cough and a runny nose when he is stabled in at nights .
12 The defendant is not bound to reimburse the Department of Social Security until he is notified that the money in court has been paid out to the plaintiff .
13 It is as well to appreciate that a body in free fall from a fixed starting event will follow different geodesics if it is given different starting velocities .
14 French move : A large French multi-national , Saur , is planning to expand its water interests in the UK by investing in Scottish water if it is franchised and not sold off .
15 For example , the first vowel in the following English words is of a different quality when it is stressed than when it is unstressed : convert , progress , transfer .
16 The rapid expansion of fish farming , which has taken place predominately in Scottish waters , presents serious risks for the marine environment unless it is brought under strict control by the government , according to a report from the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) .
17 Faithful , reliable dog provided it is treated properly and trained with firm kindness .
18 Moreover , the thought of having one 's own flat takes on a different vision when it is situated on a sink council estate .
19 Three related projects comprise this research programme , each of which explores some aspect of contemporary change and development in British society as it is reflected in , and affected by , different kinds of local areas .
20 However , the therapist must be careful not to give the client an entirely free choice if it is believed that one , or a combination , of the client 's difficulties are central in maintaining the others .
21 This compares with Citibank 's total loans to Brazil , Mexico , Argentina and Venezuela of $10.3 billion ; meaning the bank comes close to owing more money to Latin Americans than it is owed .
22 These facts are indeed significant , but they are susceptible of a rather different Interpretation when it is accepted that importance and success amongst the ulema in the earlier period did not depend upon one 's position in the hierarchy or concomitant matters like salary or membership of the divan — to anything like the same degree that they did in later times .
23 The example cited by the hon. Gentleman from his constituency is well known to hon. Members because it is repeated in other constituencies .
24 No wonder Denmark signalled its dissatisfaction with Maastricht and all it stands for if a batsman needs 10,000 words of multi-lingual explanation before he is allowed to take guard .
25 At the very least a clear case is owed a clear explanation if it is rejected .
26 The Moffat Discovery has been designed and built to conform to or exceed all relevant British Standards so it is guaranteed to be safe , reliable and engineered to the highest quality .
27 Even Laurie Mains , the All Black selector whose face rather appears like a grave image when he is interviewed on television , managed a quiet smile after he had superintended the selection of the 30 All Blacks who are touring Australia at the moment and will later play one cataclysmic test against South Africa .
28 It exists in incomplete form in a manuscript at Longleat House which contains an anthology of Rolle 's English writings all , there , recorded as dedicated to Margaret de Kirkeby , and it also exists in an extended form where it is entitled De passione secundum Ricardum .
29 On this approach , a shape can be recognized as a whole without the constituent parts being recognized as such ( a part is represented in a radically different way if it is seen as a Gestalt in its own right ) .
30 It is not possible to understand this interesting document until it is remembered that it represents a SHARE of sheep taken over and not a public SALE and then fractions of an animal become acceptable .
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