Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I said read the bloody words then and she said oh I never read the words she said I looks at the pictures .
2 And apart from the Bohemian Rhapsody news of the rest of the European football tonight and we have the double attacking spearhead of Colin Fray and Martin Fisher at the City ground and you listening to the classiest football cover on Radio Nottingham from five past seven .
3 But when it suits them they choose not to be seen and seen you know sort of divide and rule tactics of seen as different entities really and I mean to be how dare and one one comment was how dare these men gang up against us .
4 Well it is erm it is a proper mobile home and they 've got
5 So the women got Anna to open her door and the prince was pushed forward and asked her pardon and promised never to see the French girl again and they had a great drama and Anna consented to be reconciled .
6 And there was an old lady there and she fell down and broke her arm , we had a terrible night of it .
7 Celia has managed to get fresh fish today and she 's cooked it in spices , just how you like it . ’
8 In this respect Ferguson thought that the Warner Bros film was a good indication of what could be achieved by Hollywood when it tackled social problems honestly and he summed it up by returning to one of his favourite points about Hollywood that ‘ even half a loaf on the national stomach is at least nourishment taken in ’ .
9 At the end of your third row of knitting , you change colour , the no. 1 light changes again and you knit the background stitches of the second row of the pattern .
10 Now I understand er that you know we are providing public service here and we have got allow for public access but the cost of the council of having all its officers outside of this building for over er two hours must have been absolutely horrendous and I would have thought this would be an area where improving security ought to be a high priority so what are you going to do about it ?
11 But there 'll be some jollification around the old homestead tonight and nobody likes tripping the light fantastic better than wor Martin . ’
12 What absolute rubbish — he 's gone right over the top with a load of old cobblers there and I do n't know why .
13 ‘ We 've made interesting friends there and we like it .
14 It would be fun to have a little social life again and it occurred to her , too , that now she had come to live in Wellingham permanently , she must let as many people know as possible what she was trying to do at Moorlake .
15 He looked like an old man suddenly and she realised how he had aged since she had seen him last .
16 They become very passive but as soon as they 've had the baby they 're back to their old selves again and you think , God , is it the same girl ?
17 A couple of funny looks later and I realised I also had to head off the perception that I wanted to hire a sex cave for outré rumpy pumpy with a slew of bimbo victims .
18 The general manager of the company Ian McCall said ; ‘ We have had a tremendous response already and we expect parents who wore them in the fifties and sixties to buy them for their children . ’
19 She did n't ever get to sleep until the early hours now and she woke up heavy and lethargic .
20 The third reason why we 're , we 're pleased to see you here is that erm as a trades council , we 've and this er and Dick mentioned this in his introduction , we 've initiated a major international programme , major in terms of our size obviously as er as a local body , involving links between union activists here primarily in France er , in northern France , but also links now developing in Spain with the new ferry going between Portsmouth and Bilbao , we 're starting to meet with the unions in Spain who are interested in speaking about the , the , the differences in wages in terms and conditions working for the same ferry company , doing the same jobs in the port , a comparative look at how the , the wages terms and conditions differ and we want to , we want to go and visit them in the autumn and , and work out , and work on more links on a sector basis , so that our colleagues down in Bilbao in northern Spain can link up with people in the , in the , in similar sectors here and we 've done this over the last three and a half years with the unions in France , we 've had exchanges of all sectors , the public sectors , transport , erm , health , social services , shop workers .
21 It 's extra cold today and I do n't want to get up .
22 It was a splendid meeting yesterday and they gave Bonar Law a magnificent reception .
23 er it got terribly out of hand in the 19th century ; people throwing eggs from the top of the tower , the choristers and the people from the town blowing trumpets and all sorts of things , really riotous. er so it was reformed in 1844 er no more rotten eggs then and we do it very much as then ; facing the rising sun which was beautiful
24 There is tremendous commitment here and you have to remember we have 27 games left .
25 So as far as this meeting 's concerned , erm , most of our meetings are basically business meetings , but we , we have tried and we will try to put in speakers and , and do different things from time to time , we had er , er a woman last time who 'd been to Central America recently and she gave us a very interesting talk on a visit to El Salvador and Guatamala , erm , and we , we 'd like to do that more often , but , but what we do really erm , to begin with any rate , is we go th we go through the , the headings on this sheet , on the , on the minutes , we use them as headings for others and erm , items on the agenda and er some may have more to say than others and there are one or two not on there which we 'll pop in as we go along .
26 Erm that has been a matter of serious discussion here and I know with some of the local authorities , and the fact of the matter is sir that we feel that if we look at the agricultural land quality of this county , if you were to have a criteria based policy which included the requirement that strategic sites should avoid good quality agricultural land erm you have n't got a policy at all because this is a county which has mostly its territory covered by good quality agricultural land especially in those parts of this county where strategic development might be expected to actually happen .
27 He had left his outer clothes downstairs and he wore his cheap Latvian suit with its wide trouser bottoms as though it was from Savile Row .
28 ‘ It 's early June now and I do n't see why I ca n't be playing when the season starts in Scotland in September , ’ said Hastings .
29 So basically it 's like a little computer there and it reads your handwriting basically on your little electropad there .
30 They could n't be very quick because there was no electric light upstairs and they had to manage with the candle Carrie was holding .
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