Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [be] of " in BNC.

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1 His visit lasted for a few hours at most — taking into account the time spent asleep — and the only really detailed description he gave was of the accommodation in which he slept in General Gowon 's home .
2 Considerable though the distance was across the metropolis , I sensed that the cultural and historical boundaries we traversed were of far greater significance .
3 The other piece of extra-curricular casting I did was of the young boy playing the grandson — ‘ voice like an angel ’ — Oliver .
4 The perceptual distinctions we make are of the very stuff of our existence , and in some way the foundation of all else .
5 The turquoise dress she wore was of the kind of stretch cotton which showed up any figure fault and which in this instance merely demonstrated the perfection of her body .
6 And the only privilege they have is of looking after us is n't it ?
7 At present , however , it is worth observing that the degree of foregrounding in this passage , and the interpretative process it elicits are of a kind more readily associated with poetry than with prose .
8 The lasting picture I have is of devastation .
9 ‘ Every time we question users of Teletel , particularly frequent users , the only complaint we hear is of the speed .
10 the only thing I got was of Stella
11 The only idea she had was of discovering some sort of shelter for the night , for she must catch the stage to her destination early in the morning .
12 The exhibition could be read on many levels , but the immediate impression I had was of its strong Americanism .
13 In fact , George Every , then a lay brother at Kelham , with whom I had started a correspondence , told me later that Eliot , while praising some individual points , had said that the general impression it gave was of material being put through a machine and coming out the other side more or less as it was before .
14 Whereas libertarian historians have devoted relatively little attention to this question , for the traditional liberal and Soviet schools it has been of vital importance .
15 The special food I fancied was of — all things — curry .
16 This was n't a reflection of his feelings about me , I knew that , and when pressed he would only say that the most resounding impression she gave was of her innate class .
17 The over-whelming impression I received was of a well-planned , organised operation where the human resources - always the most important part of any undertaking - are properly used .
18 The main impression he gives is of entrepreneurial acumen and ability to adapt to the culture of whichever time zone he flies into .
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