Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun pl] [verb] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 A group of mobile cafe owners say they 'll fight moves to ban their vehicles from the roadside on a busy dual carriageway .
2 A group of mobile cafe owners say they 'll fight moves to ban their vehicles from the roadside on a busy dual carriageway .
3 In the course of our case studies , we found that programmers/analysts capable of working in certain specific software/hardware areas ( for example , IBM System 38 , PICK ) were extremely scarce , in some cases so much so that " nobody is training them any more " ( since high turnover rates meant they would not have the chance to amortise the training investment ) .
4 Nobody in industry has actually got an absolute guarantee , I mean even the British Telecom schemes said they 'll pay , they 'll pay the rate of inflation if they feel they can afford .
5 At the end of the Gulf War , British Army authorities announced they would have to destroy all dogs which had been picked up and kept by British units in the war zone , but Dave and his colleagues decided they were n't going to let this cruel fate befall Des .
6 For example , 80% of female personal service workers said they could not design and plan important parts of their work ; 96% said they could not decide their starting and finishing times ; and 63 % said they could not initiate new tasks during their work .
7 But the makers of the Jolly Roger ales believe they can find customers for the 100 barrels a week they soon hope to produce .
8 Tory campaign managers know they must hold key marginals like Darlington , Stockton South and York to ensure a historic fourth successive victory .
9 MIlton Keynes environmental health officers say they 'll have to make regular inspections of the restaurant .
10 International athletics officials insisted they could neither confirm nor deny the report .
11 Though International Amateur Athletic Federation officials insisted they could not confirm the reports , a source close to the sport 's governing body confirmed Narozhilenko had provided a positive ‘ A ’ sample while the ‘ B ’ sample was being examined .
12 The small size of the formulations compared to red blood cells means they could penetrate solid tumours , making them more susceptible to chemotherapy and radiotherapy , and they could reach inaccessible parts of the heart during surgery .
13 But the big record companies say they need elaborate long term contracts to invest in new talent .
14 ‘ These trophy wives , ’ says Fortune , ‘ make the 50 and 60-year-old executive officers feel they can compete sexually with younger men , the kind of ego boost that does n't hurt when going up against Young Turks at the office . ’
15 While recognizing that poor local economic management was partly to blame for the region 's debt crisis , the report argued that what it described as the banks ' irresponsible lending practices meant they should also share responsibility and assume greater losses .
16 Becoming a gigolo and selling boats in Fiji were just two of the more inventive careers accountants said they would follow if they could have their professional life all over again .
17 Other teaching unions said they might well boycott the plan .
18 As Japanese banks can count 45% of unrealised gains on shareholdings as capital , Japanese banks with huge equity portfolios thought they would easily meet the deadline .
19 As the renewable energy sources develop they will inevitably quickly lose their present quaint , pastoral image and the concepts of noise and horizon pollution will assume as significant a rôle in the public bestiary as do atmospheric and nuclear pollution today .
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