Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 It 's impossible to predict the eventual outcome of all of this competition , but the cellular operators will need to overcome some significant hurdles before British consumers ( business and domestic ) are entirely at ease with cellular phones analogue or digital .
2 Although the European Parliament may get more power , its competence is still limited , so the German parliament must help to ensure some accountability over EC matters .
3 Residential homes will face losing some of their fees and we will have to compensate for this out of our transferred funds ’ .
4 But I think it s very important top management should get to know some of the problems those people have too , because if they 're not doing it right , the company could be in trouble .
5 In the same way that the jobbing funeral furnisher was unable to undertake the obsequies of the nobility , likewise the top cabinet-makers would have refused some of their lesser clients , referring them to one of more able members of the trade .
6 The primitive insects must have found some of their food by climbing the trunks of the early tree ferns and horsetails .
7 The implication from Mallia is that free enterprise may have played some part in the Minoan economy , alongside the clearly dominant role of the temple .
8 The hon. Gentleman may like to ask some of his right hon. and hon. Friends what they did about it .
9 That , surely , is the least that the right hon. Gentleman could do to inject some justice and fairness into the lives of our pensioners .
10 The right to hear ambassadors , and other foreign speakers like Alcibiades , was an important prerogative of the Assembly , and it is here that Spartan foreign policy must have taken some of the dramatic about-turns attested in the classical period — though technically the Assembly could only decide and not debate ( Ar .
11 Perhaps here and there the old man would have found some evidences of the former world : the windmill of his younger days still standing in the corner of a new field , though now derelict and forlorn , or the traces of the former strips in the ridge-and-furrow of the new pastures , but not much else .
12 But comparisons of the sequences of the myc genes of different lymphomas should help to provide some insight into the problem .
13 When pressed on this , one member of the team assured us that schools were by no means excluded from consideration on these grounds , but we may speculate that members ' own positions regarding comprehensive reorganisation will have played some part .
14 Whilst an extension of the deconcentration of central government might have gone some way towards abating these feelings , it was not considered by the majority to be a sufficient remedy .
15 But overhead lighting could help eliminate some of the dangers .
16 The following chapters will attempt to outline some of the main features of discourse organization by looking at a number of factors which constrain or aid the way we produce and understand text .
17 ‘ Ah , well , your little lecture must have had some effect .
18 Blyth had lots of time to realise what was happening , jumping about the Snake Park screaming as the frantic and enraged snake bit his stump repeatedly , and little Esmerelda must have had some inkling what was going to happen to her as she was slowly blown away .
19 The high speed of magnetic compared to optical media would help to disguise some of DVI 's current limitations and would also facilitate a smooth , seamless multimedia presentation .
20 ‘ But if there is no readiness to come around … the international community will have to take some action and it will be tough action . ’
21 In other words , the views of the shop-floor workers on what constitutes good production may have held some truth .
22 Some of Britain 's most prolific bidders may have lost some of their confidence after recent setbacks .
23 The imminence of a Labour government may have persuaded some of the middle class to consult their interests rather than their tender consciences , and so return to the Tory fold .
24 The concept of geographical provinces may have gained some currency because it could be understood as a biological equivalent of the nations of humanity — and the early nineteenth century was a period of strong nationalist feelings .
25 On mobilization , the first-line army for an offensive operation would have numbered some 761,000 men , with a second line of about 1 million .
26 Clearer , comprehensive and more accurate advertising and pre-entry information might help avoid some adults applying for courses for which they are unqualified .
27 Jenna 's shocked looks must have reached some deep core of humility in Ned Clarke .
28 Some pupils of secondary school age who have special educational needs may continue to display some literacy skills within the lower levels associated with key stages 1 and 2 , so the teaching they receive in English will need to cater for this whilst incorporating material with a range and degree of interest , and in some cases intellectual demand , more appropriate to their chronological age .
29 To use the army as strike-breakers for the first time since Franco ( and Spain 's universally detested military service would have caused some intersting tests of loyalty ) would have provoked a confrontation with an unclear outcome for both sides .
30 He blamed the weak links at federal level for shortcomings in the Yugoslav programme on Kosovo , but was convinced that constitutional changes would help resolve some of these problems .
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