Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] he say that " in BNC.

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1 It was raised by Dudek in somewhat different form when he said that Leonard ‘ always had an image of himself as a rabbi . ’
2 The Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade , Li Lanqing , allayed fears of a clampdown on economic reform when he said that China would continue to develop stock markets despite the Shenzhen riot .
3 The philosopher Rescher offers a useful distinction when he says that we are all the best judges of our own satisfaction and happiness , and no-one can do this for us , but that we are not always the best judges of what is in our own best interests , and that others , who are less subjectively involved are better judges .
4 The right hon. Member for Henley made a powerful point when he said that all we were doing was trying to introduce an envy tax .
5 But does not Dr. Jackson have a powerful point when he says that the new system — This is a man working in the system .
6 He came to me He had a problem , he and I were good friends and he said that erm that this one girl s erm Michelle , was his favourite wife and that he had been with her since erm she was twelve .
7 He maintains what he claims is the Advaita or non-Dualist position when he says that the Self within man is at one with the essence of reality , which is Truth or God .
8 On Dec. 27 government spokesperson Yuan Mu was hissed at during a packed meeting with Beijing University students on current events when he said that China would not deviate from the socialist road , despite current events in Romania [ see pp. 37104-05 ] .
9 The hon. Gentleman seemed to miss an important point when he said that head teachers were worried .
10 Al Gore summed up the changing world when he said that he and Clinton were the first two leaders of their country to be born after 1945 .
11 That evening , Mike Atherton made a curious but nonetheless accurate observation when he said that it was nice to get in early when the ball 's new and not moving around a lot .
12 A friend of mine in Holland runs a psycho-geriatric hospital and he says that approximately twenty per cent of the patients sent to him suffering from seeming senility , i.e. confusion , some incontinence , and anxiety attacks , are in fact suffering from prolonged overdoses of tea .
13 Hincmar puts in a significant phrase when he says that the minores who " confirmed " assembly-decisions did so " not because they were forced to do so , but because they understood them in their own minds and agreed with them " .
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