Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] i [vb past] him " in BNC.

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1 He had not been one of the late Stalin 's critics , but I liked the way he sang his large repertoire of Scottish folksongs and I heeded him when he denounced Butch and Sundance .
2 ‘ He was a proper bastard , and a rotten influence and I hated him . ’
3 In the early weeks after I had him I suffered from postnatal depression .
4 He was just about to start on his nineteenth nervous breakdown when I left him . ’
5 I radioed one of my men to bring along an extra trailer and I told him to tip it up when he brought it into the field to make sure it was clean
6 Carson was such an affable chap that I persuaded him to agree with me ( and Alf ) to continue along progressive lines .
7 At the door he turned and gave me a last despairing look and I saw him no more .
8 ‘ He was a very unique person and I saw him more deeply than I think other people did .
9 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
10 Must be a bug ; Luke 's got it , too , not to mention behaving like a bear with a sore head when I told him I wanted to take an early lunch . ’
11 ‘ He was a good driver and I trusted him implicitly .
12 Like poor Lanyon when I told him about my new ideas .
13 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
14 AFTER months of enduring the relentless taunts of Robin Cook , my Somerset neighbour William Waldegrave was in remarkably equable mood when I found him washing his car on Friday morning .
15 They were in chronological order and I saw him grow older before my eyes .
16 In Oxford , the voice of the gnomic Professor Sammy Finer , a declared political agnostic , rose a full octave when I asked him about it : ‘ It simply is n't true any longer that merit will out .
17 I heard something about this he said , er I was on holidays all last week he said but erm it 's bloody lies cos I saw him last week .
18 He said it with such heartfelt force that I believed him .
19 On two occasions he joined large dinner parties designed to raise money for particular charities and I witnessed him reduced to slumping over the table on folded arms , where he remained comatose until gently removed at the end of the meal .
20 He was a very big man and I saw him threatening and banging .
21 But he gave me a good smile and a big goodbye when I left him so .
22 He seemed to know a lot about female mysteries and I wanted him to explain .
23 He were parked up there well every coalman I 've pulled him about this coke stuff and I 'd seen him other day and I pulled him , explained that I were going over on April first
24 I did not think of following him , my feet seemed rooted to the sandy path and I saw him through a mist of tears as he appeared to melt through the door , which closed behind him .
25 So somehow it was reassuring to find he had a sore throat when I saw him last Thursday .
26 My heart gave me an unforgettable jolt when I thought him to be headless ; yet there was no blood staining the fresh , even snow .
27 It was about a week later and my leathers were still a little ruffled after the grating incident when I saw him sitting all alone in the waiting room .
28 ‘ I promised myself I 'd smash his handsome face when I saw him on the prison-ship .
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