Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [verb] i [art] " in BNC.

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1 Come and see the sorcerer 's kitchen where I brew up the grotesque potions that make me a legend here . ’
2 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
3 I suppose I thought she 'd either be fantastically frosty and sit on one of those little gilt chairs with a fancy gilt mirror behind her , or else be quite fat and red-faced and come in from the stove holding a wooden spoon and give me a huge embrace smelling of garlic and stockpot .
4 ‘ Rats , ’ I told him , but he opened the cover on the drain outside my back door and showed me the trap to stop rats climbing up .
5 But Clare was ten thousand miles away , I was thinking as I woke up , while Toma made fresh coffee and cooked me a man-sized breakfast of local bacon-cum-ham and two of the island 's tiny eggs .
6 My Dad — I could n't have believed it ! — we went down last weekend and he was sitting there , polishing the buttons on his old uniform and calling me a traitor ! ’
7 He tore out the early pages and gave me the rest of it and we use it now for our visitors ' signatures . ‘
8 You never know who might mistake Armstrong for a real taxi and offer me a few quid as a friendly gesture for giving them a lift .
9 Yes , and my parents had booked the audition for the Central School and found me a bed-sit in Swiss Cottage and being completely naive it was assumed that this was where I would be going .
10 Being the only Leeds fan in a London inner city school with Alan Clarks famous speach about bring Success to Leeds in 3 Years , is causing me to go into cold shivers and giving me a pessimistic mood about the new season , I can still remember the years of telling school friends at the end of each season that we are rebuilding and that we would come up the next season .
11 They feel like an extension of my arm , with a sweet action down their 10 ft length which is supple enough to cast free-lined baits and give me a feel of a fighting fish , yet with power to spare when I have to bend it into the run of a big carp .
12 She heard that : — — Papa is grown stout and has need of bigger trousers but Mama cries he is more handsome than ever and so do I. I have little time my Lily to write because I am put to Latin with the Abbe which is sore hard work and gives me the headache .
13 The farmer reached to the cluttered windowsill and handed me a bottle .
14 Sitting in a traffic jam with such a car alongside is a contemporary purgatory that produces reactions in me that bode no good for the future of the human race and make me a menace on the roads for minutes afterwards .
15 Then they brought in a couple of supporting interrogators and gave me the third degree .
16 ‘ I suborned Aubrey Rivington into so far forgetting his professional integrity as to give me an illicit copy of that photograph .
17 Reaching down under the counter he pulled out a flat bottle and showed me the label .
18 They made me very welcome , then gave me a clean towel and showed me the showers .
19 Acting , he told me , was ‘ a wonderful job that gives me the opportunity to drink with some really good friends in exotic places around the world ’ .
20 ‘ It 's alright for some ’ , they say , as if my fairy godmother has miraculously waved her magic wand and offered me a real life Martini advert on a plate .
21 I spent most of it attempting to get close enough to him so he could spike my other shin and give me a matching pair .
22 BELVILLE : I take her to an artful young baggage and had I a young handsome butler or steward she 'd soon make her market of one of them and snap at him for a husband .
23 As a group I mean the other thing that surprised me a bit , I , I spoke to Ken yesterday and said , how did you receive ?
24 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
25 A young man of shaven pate , E-X-P-L-O-I-T-E-D tattooed on his forehead , approaches me brandishing a splashing can of Carlsberg Special Brew and asking me the time .
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