Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] [is] at the " in BNC.

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1 The story centres on Giorgio , a successful eye-surgeon working in Paris and his alter egos : his much younger brother Piero , who is caught up in the obscure ‘ manoeuvres ’ going on in Sicily ( it will turn out that he has sabotaged an American helicopter and is on the run ) , and Charles , a 12-year-old boy who is at the centre of the whole story .
2 Two lovely lads I 'll tell you and that concert tonight going to be er absolute corker it 's at the Royal Concert Hall tonight in Nottingham .
3 For this session the Celebration room has to be the sacred place it is at the integrated session .
4 Although it may be contended that it is the process of collective bargaining as an ongoing activity which is at the heart of industrial relations , the negotiating process itself has received little attention in international studies ( an exception is Smith and Turkington , 1981 ) .
5 It is perhaps that long-term perspective which is at the root of present-day concern over the nuclear arsenal held by the superpowers .
6 Other times it is at the back of my seat .
7 It 's at a lovely venue it 's at the Great Central Railway at Loughborough .
8 The opening phrase " The poor young man is significant in this respect : since it can hardly be treated as Pemberton 's own self-pitying assessment of himself , it must be taken as the author 's narrative voice ; and thus establishes , from the beginning , a relation between the author and the main character which is at the same time sympathetic and distanced .
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