Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] [vb mod] to be " in BNC.

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1 The railway had come from Belfast in 1842 , the original station having been at Seagoe and some will still recall the old sidings which used to be near the signal-box there .
2 The ladder is where the buckets er er run on you see that 's the ladder like that from what they call the top tumbler what used to be the top tumbler used to have five sides
3 From opposite ends of England the academics said that this was a born teacher who ought to be in teaching as soon as possible .
4 The second I did n't hear about for four days and even then not from a friend but from the free paper which used to be given away in the bars once a week those days .
5 ‘ You mean the old fortune-teller who used to be here ?
6 Ehm is a it is n't actually a a erm a new school it 's Birchwood High School it used to be Margaret Dane which has been established a few years but Birchwood just been started for a year erm it has is some information but obviously there have n't been any feedback from the school so I starts there .
7 The elder has been in Normandy for four years now , Stephen can hardly count him as the staunch supporter he used to be . ’
8 But it was still a proper fog , a city fog , with a whiff of brimstone in it , a hint of the old sinner it used to be .
9 Gogar , Loch , and Gyle keep popping up in suggestions being chewed over by councillors , but there 's an intriguing bit which used to be known as The Flashees , later Flashing Meadow .
10 ‘ In Victorian times they used to be about 35 inches wide ; now they can be as narrow as 30 inches .
11 And Alderson B. , in the same case , says , ‘ It is undoubtedly true that payment of a portion of a liquidated demand , in the same manner as the whole liquidated demand which ought to be paid , is payment only in part , because it is not one bargain , but two : viz. , payment of part , and an agreement without consideration to give up the residue .
12 ‘ As far as I could judge , he thought me an incompetent idiot who ought to be minding his own business .
13 ‘ I think in any rural town it ought to be possible to find an hour or so to stroll round , just to talk to people about this and that .
14 We spent a morning going round the Coaltown museum which gave an excellent presentation of the coal-mining industry which used to be the life-blood of the Coast .
15 We were married at home , and one of the reasons why is because we bought a very old house about three years ago and on the top floor it has a , a large room which used to be the ballroom , and we did a little research and we found that the last wedding that we know of in the house took place in seventeen fifty eight , when apparently it was very common in Scotland to get married at home , it was more uncommon to go to church .
16 And er just pulling the chain in the thing what er like a big white globe they used to be .
17 The problem is that there is no satisfactory way of drawing a line between decisions of corporate managers which ought to be respected because they are based solely on the expertise of the directors and those which should be challenged as based on personal considerations or other non-corporate purposes .
18 In ancient times , about the 12th century , on these wooded slopes there used to be a watchtower , which later developed into a kind of fortified residence .
19 IN my previous life I used to be an Eldorado script .
20 I said that we ought to er somebody asked me er from one of the national papers which ought to be put in place there and I did suggest that we ought to have a statue like just been mentioned to somebody from Beeston they 've got a nice man on a bench there .
21 The direct start to Canol , Joe Brown 's classic E1 on Craig Ddu in the Llanberis Pass , is a hard pitch which used to be graded Severe because Doug Belshaw , who ascended it first , ‘ only led severes ’ .
22 Well , it was actually started by a few railway men , th right opposite Street there used to be hand laundry , and then there was a row of houses , from there , running up to the corner of Street where the club stands originally , but in the beginning it was just a row of small houses , and it started with a few railway men having a meet holding the meetings in this house , in these houses , and I 've got very dim memories of how it actually started but it was a real event when they were first , before they actually built the club it was run in the row of houses that ran from up Street as I say there was a little hand laundry corner of Street heading onto Street on the left hand side was the greengrocers , and that , they kept that greengrocers for as long as I can remember .
23 We further conclude that the creation of teams of interested teachers , parent volunteers and responsible children is good practice which ought to be more widely adopted .
24 I tell you a good programme which used to be on was erm oh fucking Auf Wiedersehn Pet .
25 What you effectively have in the AIS part of Skymaster is a selective scan of much of the current information you ought to be looking at if you 're planning a flight in the UK or near Europe .
26 But he will no longer be the rude , racist chap he used to be .
27 During the Labour landslide they used to be love letters .
28 There is a standard lie for each club , but for a short person it ought to be one or two degrees flatter .
29 Maybe , now that they know it works and if they are embold-Clare Shearer as Rosina ened , it will grow during the run into the big , bold bellylaugh it ought to be , forgetting operatic pretensions to high art and closer to situation comedy .
30 ‘ Also , it seems , a qualified solicitor who used to be in partnership up North somewhere , but quit to make a fulltime career of saving wayward youngsters .
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