Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] [vb past] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Brick suburbs gave way to big wooden houses , then single-storey houses which became more and more isolated until there was nothing but grizzled , frozen marsh .
2 Suddenly the Whitley was entirely surrounded by strange aircraft I learned later after much research that they were Fairey Foxes ) .
3 He has mislaid the last thread of that natty rig he had recently and is entirely back in cap , scarf and corduroy .
4 Later in the test on very wet days they performed well and gave good support and grip on grassy hillsides and rough stony paths .
5 GOALKEEPERS Toni Schumacher and Jean-Marie Pfaff are among 46 foreign players who learned yesterday that their lucrative attachments to Turkish clubs will be terminated at the end of the season .
6 In a public statement he agreed meekly that ‘ the resolution has shown us the goals towards which we need to strive to serve the Soviet people better ’ .
7 Annie was annoyed by the abrupt way he turned away and went out .
8 Yet she was the only sane grown-up I knew now that I could cross Anwar and Jeeta off my list of normals .
9 When the " Geddes Axe " fell in February 1922 , it proposed cuts in the social services which alienated once and for all the Prime Minister 's last admirers on the left ; moderate Unionists like Stanley Baldwin disliked the Geddes Axe as being too arbitrary and too indiscriminate , but the rest of the party criticized it as too little , too late , and unlikely to be implemented anyway .
10 During a violent storm it broke away and drifted westwards until it hit land on the barren headland of San Quentin .
11 On the day on which Saad Rashid had received the confirmation of the transaction from Switzerland , he had tidied his desk at the back of the Iraqi Airlines office , taken what few personal possessions he kept there and placed them in his briefcase , locked his door , pocketed his key , and told his assistant manager that he believed he was showing the first symptoms of the ‘ flu that was sweeping London .
12 And surviving missals and other documents of the Celtic Church prove to be riddled with excerpts from Judaic apocryphal books and additional texts which had long and rigorously been forbidden by Rome .
13 For one blinding moment she knew absolutely that Galileo should have died for his truth , and yet had also been right to retract because he had still not known one particle of the whole .
14 He was back at the open unit on 9 June 1991 , but the following day he absconded again and this time was absent for 94 days .
15 And the following day he worked harder than usual in digging a grave , where Prince was buried .
16 So powerless was I to control the evolution that , even when I very much wanted to retrace a particular evolutionary pathway it proved all but impossible to do so .
17 Then her mother would graciously conduct half an hour of polite conversation with all these people , who Jo knew were otherwise pretty cool and mostly also pretty sane , and they would all pretend to be interested in whatever dumb thing she said , and laugh if she made any of her awful little jokes and store away any personal information she disclosed so that they could tell it to their friends the next day and make it absolutely clear that they were on intimate terms with a really big star .
18 Most importantly , you have to get in touch once more with the very real couple who laughed together and made love just for the pleasure of it .
19 The then Chairman of the Housing Committee was to be a leading member of ‘ Labour against Militant ’ and crucial decisions , including this one , were usually remitted from the full Housing Committee to a smaller Housing Committee Working Group which met privately and was given the task of disposing of 25 sites which had originally been reserved for council house or Housing Association use , but were to be sold , used for Partnership or HELP schemes , or used for equity shares .
20 Last week , Serbian-based militias captured two key towns in Bosnia in bloody assaults which left more than 50 people dead .
21 The director of studies , an obnoxious little shit who knew exactly where we both stood , received me in audience after I had waited for three-quarters of an hour .
22 And Vernons know what they 're talking about — last year they had more than 400,000 lucky winners who shared more than 40 million .
23 Willie gave a tight smile which faded rapidly when he realized that the trousers of his new striped suit were soaking .
24 She listened to cicadas and breathed the pervasive liquorice which grew locally and was processed in a factory on the Nîmes road .
25 I 've never seen the sort of breathtaking squalor I witnessed there but give them a day when their neighbourhood is shown to be worth the world running through it , gratefully accepting water and candy from them at the roadside , and it 's amazing the way mutual mistrust can disappear .
26 The consequential shock he suffered all but paralysed him .
27 There was only one exception , a very elderly male who sat quietly and hardly moved .
28 it 's a good job I went home cos I got sick at home .
29 Good thing we got here when we did , ’ hollered Duck One .
30 By now it was the rush hour and he was squeezed into the corner of a carriage by a family of Swedish tourists who talked loudly and without vowels and continuously trafficked maps and guidebooks across him , so there was no chance of getting a look at the diaries or the few folded sheets of paper that were wedged between them .
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