Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] women in the " in BNC.

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1 Police are stepping up their hunt for a man who 's carried out a series of sexual attacks on women in the last seven months .
2 The Joint Women 's Programme , which is a corporate member of WACC , is deeply concerned about the wrong portrayal of women in the media , particularly since this often leads to violence against women and emphasises their inferior status .
3 The form of the book , written from the imagined perspective of the year 2034 , is a review of developments since 1870 and an analysis of the surprising troubles of 2033 provoked by the populist movement — a ‘ strange blend of women in the lead and men in the rank and file ’ .
4 Nor can the often minimal presence of women in the politics and elected assemblies of the Western democracies .
5 Katz and Lazarsfeld 's own study delineates the crucial role of women in the shaping of everyday decisions to do with consumption patterns , fashions , public affairs and cinema attendances in a mid-western American community .
6 In arguing their case the LNA were clearly drawing on those traditions of philanthropy which emphasized the central role of women in the reform of moral conditions .
7 Lack of folic acid in women in the first part of pregnancy increases the risk of the baby developing spina bifida — a serious defect of the nervous system .
8 Welensky is also said to have been much impressed by the calibre of the Zambian Cabinet , and by the obvious advancement to women in the country since independence .
9 Feminists usually criticize cognitive science 's androcentrism , and its oppressive implications for women in the areas of employment and social control , and try to correct these biases .
10 Brown and Harris have conducted a series of studies based on intensive interviews with large numbers of women in the community .
11 An estimated 50% of women in the world who want to stop having children are able to fulfil that wish by these means .
12 The International Association of Women in the Arts is also planning a series of events in Madrid in September , as well as its AGM and conference which will take place from the 28 September to the 2 October .
13 She was supposed to be very , very quiet , she had to , I think complete submission was really the key point of women in the eighteen-forties .
14 A reference to the healthy numbers of women in the lower reaches of the hierarchy .
15 A substantial number of women in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were homeworkers engaged in a wide variety of tasks , including the making of matchboxes , shirts , artificial flowers , umbrellas , brushes , carding buttons , furpulling , bending safety pins and covering tennis balls .
16 The only big difference with today , is that all the men are wearing hats and the complete absence of women in the pub .
17 They number just 11 , and are undoubtedly the most select group of women in the world .
18 Margaret Curran , the driving force behind the group 's creation , said : ‘ This position is no longer tenable and there is a growing anger amongst women in the party in Scotland .
19 Its main objective is to promote the full participation of women in the political , cultural , economic and social life of the country .
20 In the past , many of us at WASL have worked closely with FAN which has always operated in an entirely different way from ourselves , offering another important voice for women in the arts .
21 In short , the growing participation of women in the labour force has not been matched by an equal growth of male participation in the home .
22 But the growing employment of women in the modern sectors of the economy and the declining ability to enforce post-partum abstinence in the conditions or urban life have curtailed adherence to these traditions .
23 This has important implications for current trends in thinking about the role of the family ( and the extended family ) in the occupational system of advanced societies and for certain feminist approaches to the issues of women in the labour market which tend to operate from an essentially middle class paradigm of the individualized career and salary and the consequent marginalization of women in the domestic context .
24 The interviews will deal with two main topics : first the continuing importance of the family as an economic unit in agriculture and the way it has adapted to changed circumstances ; secondly , the changing role of women in the farm economy .
25 Three factors have been particularly significant in bringing about this decline : reduced family size , the increasing participation of women in the labour market , and rising divorce rates .
26 The National Working Party was set up by the federal government in 1988 to encourage the fair and accurate portrayal of women in the media .
27 The focus here will be on the way gender structures routine police duties , with more general issues concerning women in the RUC being developed elsewhere .
28 Well the trend though over all is absolutely clear , that the Labour Party is committed to increasing women 's representation and is absolutely on that path , we 've more Labour women MP s and increasing numbers of women in the shadow cabinet it 's only in the end of the nineteen eighties , as recently as then , that we had no women in the shadow cabinet , now everybody agrees that it would look quite wrong not to have women in the shadow cabinet , we 've got a woman deputy leader , three women in the shadow cabinet , and therefore we 're definitely moving forward .
29 Similarly , the increasing employment of women in the growing sector of food , drink and tobacco manufacture by the end of the century , and even the dramatic growth in the number of women commercial clerks ( 4,467 in Edinburgh by 1911 , compared to only 366 in 1881 ) did little to alter the fact that in Scotland generally ( perhaps rather more than England in the same period ) there was a very clear division of the labour market and a de facto segregation of " men 's work " from " women 's work " , which would face any girl looking for her first job .
30 Interestingly , membership of occupational schemes among women in the higher earnings groups is greater than that of men ( 86 per cent compared with 82 per cent among women and men with gross weekly earnings of £250 or more ) .
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