Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The choice of the right level at which to study a phenomenon is as important a strategic decision in biology as is the choice of the right organism or the appropriate control experiment , and it affects present-day research just as much as it did twenty years ago .
2 This stood his company in good stead when the Monopolies Commission erected the vulgar prejudice against tied houses into something approaching a holy principle , to justify compulsory selling-off in the middle of the property slump .
3 Some older teenagers are married or in stable relationships within which having a baby is a wanted event .
4 ‘ They have brought even those of us who hold that view to the point where we can imagine armed action against them to prevent a general Balkan war . ’
5 His face is transformed into one of rapturous pleasure over which suffuses a boyish sense of fun .
6 Candidates will be assigned an office role within a scenario and provided with ample data on which to base an adequate answer .
7 There is implicit in this socialist debate , and in the wider discussion of reform and revolution , a specific conception of what constitutes a major change in the political system .
8 We estimate that 150000 men aged 60 to 74 would be required in an evaluative trial for it to have an 80% chance of showing a 20% reduction in mortality over the ensuing 10 years , significant at the 5% level .
9 The script , about a soldier taken out of the trenches not , as he fears , to be shot , but to organize an army concert party , is just a rudimentary framework within which to present a number of variety turns .
10 So there are a multitude of different reasons for someone to join a church planting team .
11 I 'm going to bring in some illuminated medieval books for you to have a look at , because what you 're going to do is to write this out in best on special paper using illuminated letters and if you 're very good we will try to get them laminated so that we can keep them as an example of what year seven students can produce as their best work , to say to everybody , hey look at this , this is very good , now we ca n't do that if I give you a sheet of A four paper and you manage to fill less than a quarter of that space , so you 're going to need a minimum of ten different things that you would like to say you think are important , you believe are important , you believe they 're valuable and your homework over the next week is to finish that list if you want it to rhyme , well yes you can work on it to make it rhyme , if you want to have what we call rhyming couplet , er just one moment I have n't said clear away .
12 As a gentle reminder that women play , watch and have served cricket , Dr Andrew has included an old photograph of one holding a bat .
13 The title of the volume attempts on the one hand to avoid the major archival issue of what constitutes a record , and on the other to broaden the issue of debate from electronic records to include digital information resources generally .
14 They do n't feel right and I 've heard that the rubber grips on them have a tendency to rot after a short time .
15 Now , as we learn to ask animals the right questions , we can avoid doing more harm than good through well-meaning concepts of what constitutes a happy life .
16 Such wide spaces may have been places for furniture — certainly , a number of different positions from which to view a pavement is desirable .
17 Perhaps it was because she knew Lord C would extract a high price from her to grant a favour .
18 Held so tightly , she had to endure his demanding kiss for what seemed an eternity .
19 The two sections of the room were divided by projecting piers formed of mahogany glass-fronted bookcases from which sprang a canopy of three semi-circular arches decorated and painted in green and gold .
20 It is very difficult to come up with a sensible definition of what constitutes an ‘ old project ’ .
21 We 've come a long way since a 1953 bride-to-be wrote a despairing plea to a weekly magazine for someone to offer a more varied menu than cold ham , salad and trifle for her wedding breakfast .
22 The S&R approach is almost totally computerised today , and relies as much on the keyboards of Kotch 's Herbie and the crafty arrangements of guitarist Lloyd ‘ Gitsie ’ Willis as it does on their own unerring sense of what constitutes a great rhythm .
23 He later produced a detailed report from which evolved a blueprint for emergency planning which was sent to all local authorities throughout Britain .
24 After all , did not a distinguished predecessor of mine write an important book in the 1950s entitled Fundamentalism and the Word of God ?
25 Other large windows , with cushioned seats beneath , were on either side of the cleverly carved fireplace above which hung a canvas painting of Adam and Eve being tempted by the serpent .
26 Unlike the debates over the military-industrial complex , the general and wide-ranging nature of the arguments in this chapter reflects disagreement about what the problem is and different approaches to what constitutes a theory .
27 The reasons for not pursuing a more radical course were given by the government as the increased burden of compliance placed on companies , the absence of clear criteria for what constitutes an abuse of market power giving rise to uncertainty for business ( and the possible consequent ‘ chilling effect ’ on competitive behaviour ) , and the suggestion that a prohibition system would bite on fewer market situations than present legislation .
28 It is not certain , however , that it is universal ; different communities certainly have different notions of what constitutes a " face-threatening act " .
29 A fully programmable drum machine with 250 stunning AWM voices , a complete range of preset patterns and fills and a selection of programmable bass instruments from which to create a full backing track .
30 This period of grace has in normal market conditions given the house owner adequate time in which to find a buyer .
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