Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , given the one-roomed hovels many lived in at that period , there may indeed have been a real improvement .
2 It is on Attic Geometric pottery too that representational art first appears again in Greece .
3 Yet ten years ago China was one of the world 's most straitlaced societies , with neighbourhood networks of morality police who made premarital sex difficult to get away with and unmarried cohabitation impossible .
4 And is n't their old Nan real made up with them , Doctor ? ’
5 Another way of seeing Cutler 's position , especially his historical schema , is as a conflation of Marx and Marshall McLuhan ; ‘ mode of production ’ as organizing concept gets mixed up with the Canadian communication theorist 's ‘ medium is the message ’ philosophy , in which consciousness , cultural forms and social organization all derive primarily from the effects of the various media .
6 During the takeover battle , it was suggested that Cadbury Schweppes should act as a white knight to Rowntree , in order to form a strong British company able to compete effectively with the Swiss .
7 Nor are the Free Democrats likely to pull out of Mr Kohl 's government now , though some of them hope the chance will come to join the Social Democrats in government again after the next general election in 1994 .
8 NEW YORK ( Reuter ) — Programme buying and a rush of short-covering sent US blue chips to new highs , with the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing 40.84 points up at 2,754.56 .
9 Either the gunners have packed in too much gunpowder or the igniting charges all go off at once .
10 George V was a dedicated Hawaiian music nut , and the rumour persists of a mint Style 4 lying somewhere in the bowels of Windsor Castle !
11 Thus , while the pluralist political system may experience close liaison between bureaucratic agencies and client groups , in the corporatist state this spills over into covert encouragement by political leaders of direct action by pressure groups .
12 On the last day of that term , my final-year class all came up to my office to give me a ‘ thank-you ’ present .
13 The company is promoting its outside sales , in particular house sales , which attract private buyers willing to bid considerably above estimate .
14 He shows that the labour supply response has no effect on the steady-state wage and interest rate ( with constant returns these depend not on the absolute size of the labour force but only on its rate of growth ) .
15 One suspects that it is to demonstrate what the attractions of the famous Museum Island will be when the plan favoured by the Berlin museums supremo Dube but hotly contested by many museum professionals comes to fruition , for Dube has decided that the island is to be dedicated entirely to these archaeological collections , while the fine arts all move over to the western side of the city to more modern museums .
16 That morning , just after Sullivan had received a cable form Washington telling him to inform the new government that the United States would continue diplomatic relations with Iran , machine guns mounted on the surrounding buildings all opened up in a pre-arranged barrage .
17 Billy Connolly socialist people all switched on to watch that programme because they like Billy Connolly it .
18 An inquest jury in Middlesbrough heard that at the time a module had been loaded onto a large barge ready to go out to sea .
19 The single-engine Cessna 172 took off from a beach on Stewart Island , on the southern coast , and headed out to sea with Mr Maurice Treweek clinging to the tail .
20 London share prices closed slightly lower , recouping early losses which sent the FT-SE 100 Index of leading shares 31.7 points down on fears of recession .
21 They hoped that the molecules would react with the surface to form a film , with the long chains all sticking out like a field of corn .
22 But all the gains that we had made out of labour movement , improvements in working time , improvements in health and safety , equality issues , legal rights all went out of the window , and what has happened to the vast majority of those service jobs ?
23 Over long distances this adds up to thousands of pounds of pressure on your limbs and joints .
24 Nor are procedural controls likely to interfere unduly with risk taking .
25 Even the judicial system in the Dutch republic , in so many ways still among the most advanced parts of Europe , suffered from the lack of a powerful monarchy able to press effectively for the sort of reform which rulers in many less developed areas were now forcing upon their subjects .
26 ‘ But although he 's been a key force for them , we have to remember that they have a number of good jumpers ready to come in as replacements .
27 Beaverton , Oregon-based Sequent was expected to be ready to show two pre-production prototypes of its high-end WinServer 5000 series , one being the much-anticipated 30-way box carrying a mix-and-match assortment of Intel Corp Pentiums and 80486 chips , in itself a design feat , and the other an 18-way WinServer 5000 fitted out with only 60MHz Pentiums , a modern-day exercise in conspicuous consumption considering the rarity of the chips .
28 It is rumoured to be ready to show two pre-production prototypes of its high-end WinServer 5000 series ( UX No 434 ) , one being the much-anticipated 30-way box carrying a mix-and-match assortment of Intel Corp Pentiums and 80486 chips , that in itself is a design feat , and the other an 18-way WinServer 5000 fitted out with only 60MHz Pentiums , a modern-day exercise in conspicuous consumption considering the rarity of the chips .
29 Victory in her first war with one of the European powers had the paradoxical effect not of reassuring Japan that she was now a major power able to compete effectively with the others as at least an equal but , instead , of convincing her of her continuing vulnerability and the need to strengthen further her military capability .
30 The most violent eruptions in fact leave some of the least impressive landforms ; in extreme cases these consist simply of a broad depression surrounded by a plateau of ignimbrite .
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