Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The species studied does not have to be chiral : the differential absorption comes from the effect of the magnetic field on degeneracy .
2 From the tiny amount of light leaking around the door behind me , I could just make out the boards of the platform I stood on , and the first few feet of three narrow walkways emerging from the gloom , one cutting sharply away to my right , another straight ahead and a third branching left off this a few yards along .
3 It comprises a tractor-mounted injection unit in the field which is fed through an umbilical hose running from the storage point .
4 The irony was that the economic returns expected from the reforms were hardly gained at all , and the railways were really no nearer paying their way by the end of 1966 than they had been in 1962 .
5 His broad chest heaved from the cold and his exertion .
6 A total of 49 left-wing political prisoners escaped from a Santiago prison on Jan. 30 , 1990 , through a tunnel which they had constructed .
7 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
8 Stirling accelerated and immediately a loud screaming noise came from the front of the vehicle .
9 These include : ( 1 ) The study of one-dimensional maps derived from the system .
10 For many the main non-farm income came from the forest with 94% of the forest properties owned by farmers .
11 However remote their political views remained from the rest of the electorate , the " Clyde group " remained as secure in their own area as they had ever been .
12 But modern crocodiles possess the imperfect four-chambered heart in which freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs is separated from the used blood returning from the body .
13 Meanwhile the urban working force suffers from the loss of bonuses as factory productivity is cut , and from official disapproval of the previously fast-growing sector of private commerce .
14 Some 62% of European turnover comes from the UK , the rest from Germany , Austria , Switzerland and Italy .
15 In the present case , the subject matter of the invention was the practical application of a computer program , the technical effect resulting from the operation of the programmed computer and not the computer program itself .
16 The total revenue expected from the sale of the forests , comprising some 550,000 hectares ( just under half the country 's total forested area ) of mostly pine trees , was expected to be between NZ$2,500 million and NZ$4,500 million .
17 As part of the new working programme following from the SEA , the Commission is also preparing framework Directives to establish minimum health and safety standards at work .
18 The 106 entrants in the gruelling marathon set off from London on a route which took them through Europe to Turkey in classic cars ranging from a Ford Cortina to a Russian Moskvitch , all at least 25 years old .
19 As he passed out of sight behind a column another strange figure appeared from the direction in which he had come .
20 The ‘ old ’ exchange rate index ( ERI ) used weights derived from an IMF model , and these weights were becoming increasingly out of date .
21 At the moment she sees the mainstream industry benefiting from the wealth of new perspectives , the risk-taking and experimentation that the grant-aided sector encourages , but for how much longer ?
22 The difference of interpretation is not some accidental effect arising from the combination of certain adjectives with particular nouns ; some phrases are subject to both interpretations : ( 9 ) his Italian diary might refer either to a diary which is Italian , perhaps in the sense that it was manufactured there , or to a record made during a journey through Italy .
23 ( 3 ) It possesses the monopoly of violence throughout this area , by virtue of which it has the capacity , even if not the moral authority , to guarantee the finality of its decision in political disputes arising from the conflict of individuals or groups within its territory .
24 Equally , the greater part of the work in his small private practice came from the duke and his successor .
25 The income of solicitors and barristers in private practice comes from the fees paid by clients .
26 So I took my knife and cut almost through the rope , then waited , listening to the sound of two loud voices coming from the cabin .
27 In these circumstances , rape by a husband might very well be thought to be more disturbing in its effects than rape by that classic stranger leaping from the shadows .
28 It was then that the private ambulance arrived from the clinic on the outskirts of the city , and Ahn was stretchered out to the waiting vehicle .
29 The twins ' ignorance of narrative technique stems from a change in education which has been brought about as a result of the increasing dominance of science over the humanities .
30 It provides one of Scotland 's classic hillwalks with a popular route starting from the end of the ski road running from Loch Morlich .
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