Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] from [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , remarkably similar proposals have been developed by British researchers operating from within a different perspective .
2 The purchase of eighteenth-century French paintings dates from after the completion of Frick 's house on 70th street .
3 Indistinct sounds emerged from within the earth , deprived of sense by the complicated acoustics of the soil .
4 In his head rang the music of the fair , the raucous shouting , the screams of silly girls in swingboats , the throbbing of the great engine which supplied the power , and over all , the head-hammering mammoth voice which roared old half-forgotten tunes from among the whirling horses of the roundabout .
5 USAN I ZUN BI Living for love ; a tropical hurricane arriving from over the sea , generally at dawn
6 A Roman coin came from under the tower at the restoration of 1855 , but one can not make too much of that .
7 It can contain up to three tables of dictionary text plus up to 250 individual entries taken from across the whole dictionary range .
8 Yes I I was erm the additional information that was available to me at this time , er Sergeant the er having left me the previous night er had actually , had gone to the premises erm , gone to the flats erm and had er put himself in the area of the flat and was able to tell me that he had heard voices , two male voices coming from within the flat .
9 The examining officer comes from within the department but not from the area to be reviewed .
10 The French government airlifted 450 troops to reinforce its 1,100 strong Chad garrison on Jan. 3 after armed rebels advancing from across the Nigerian border into the eastern Lake Chad region had captured the towns of Liwa and Bol and were reported to be threatening the capital , N'Djamena .
11 In a more romantic mode , it is as though a thousand lone voices have suddenly and unexpectedly found common cause in one majestic chorus , which is now drowning out the discordant notes heard from beyond the main stage .
12 The very success of SMP , in ensuring its diffusion ‘ downwards ’ , brought a curricular selection originally developed within the prestigious independent sector of the selective subculture , and only modified by teacher-writers experienced with ‘ less able ’ children , into contact with many teachers whose subject and pedagogical perspectives derived from within the non-selective subculture in which criteria for selecting mathematical content differed considerably .
13 This unusual remark came from under a cow .
14 It also established a 150-member National Assembly elected from among the members of eight directly elected regional councils .
15 There are black cherries bursting from under a white layer of ricotta cheese .
16 The dark eyes were raking her from head to toe , appraising her — from the long , tousled russet hair to the bare feet protruding from beneath the hem of her wrap .
17 Impossibly arrogant and handsome , teeth flashing beneath his ebony moustache , so much copied by the young Argentine bloods , black curls flowing from under a very unIrish tartan hat , Juan 's long thighs gripped a bay mare who was so glossy he could have checked his reflection in her quarters .
18 From the west and north powerful gales swept from off the north Atlantic Ocean , sending great waves roaring into the cliffs below his flight , and spumes of sea-spray came up to put salt on his wings .
19 No one in Grand Isle moves from beneath the blanket of quiet across the peninsula .
20 This small unit , consisting of highly-skilled soldiers recruited from within the brigade , jumped into Safra in the early hours of this morning .
21 Joseph could see tufts of grizzled hair protruding from beneath the sweat-soaked turban wrapped around the head of his aged coolie and he did n't have the heart to order him to gallop .
22 His stomach jumped as grey shapes poured from behind the boulders ahead and loped towards them .
23 He had not washed merely a handkerchief either his underclothes , too , had a grey look , and so did his shirt , whose grey cuffs peeped from beneath the dirty , tattered sleeves of his morning coat .
24 Shilton , who is himself injured , has just 14 full-time professionals to choose from for the visit of Hartlepool after losing Just when Shilton thought things were looking up for his Second Division side before the 3-2 FA Cup win over Peterborough , he lost striker Paul Boardman with a foot injury and on-loan defender Richard Dryden with a groin injury .
25 In this case the driving force for transformational change came from within the organization and was led by the top leadership .
26 A pair of deep-set , greyish-brown eyes stared from beneath a high forehead and strongly-marked brows .
27 the phone rang constantly as various relatives called from across the G.D.R .
28 I opened my eyes to the sound of yet more crashing of dustbin lids , gales of laughter and the occasional scream coming from behind the bushes .
29 One small hand emerged from beneath the sheet to probe the area where a large bruise was already forming .
30 As you approach , a small dwarf leaps from behind a pillar .
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