Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Walking through Ricky 's woods , Daisy noticed ruby-red sticky buds thrusting out on the chestnuts , although many of the trees still clung on to their shrivelled brown leaves .
2 Aunt Lilian sent me accounts of local political meetings cut out from the Gazette , and her own analyses of the Labour Government 's foreign policy .
3 Following the conclusion of the Heads of Agreement , we will be available to assist should any issues arise during the due diligence carried out by the acquiror 's accountants .
4 So my visits to the Ainsworth home were frequent but undemanding , and I had ample opportunity to look out for the little cat which had intrigued me .
5 It informs Flashman of the dire consequences of the club 's financial predicament , recommending that the controversial chairman sells out to a consortium as quickly as possible .
6 She frequently sat up in the wee sma' hours staring out of the window .
7 I was lying in the middle of a green lane clutching a bunch of dandelions , my fingers gummy with the pungent milk oozing out of the squashed stems .
8 I think also that aspersions were cast , as asides , on the true soldierly qualities of Sgt York , and hence on all American soldiers , and a three-way fight broke out among the French-Canadian , American and British , to a background drone of German bombers wending their weary way to or from London , or circling in a desultory fashion prior to dumping their bombs with a dull thud on the surrounding countryside .
9 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
10 He wanted his personal belief and his professional expertness to come out as a single attribute .
11 There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain .
12 She had been on a bus once and had seen Simon in a posh car pulling out of an ‘ executive ’ housing estate opposite the boating lake .
13 According to a report by the Senate committee on violence and pacification which was monitoring acts of political violence carried out by the Maoist Shining Path ( Sendero Luminoso ) , the Tupac Amarú Revolutionary Movement ( Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amarú — MRTA ) , right-wing death squads and other extremist groups and also , in 1989 , links between rebel groups and drug traffickers , it was estimated that a total of 3,198 people were killed as a result of such activity in the course of 1989 , compared with 1,986 in 1988 .
14 The north drives … its pupils back into themselves too soon ; and while the spirit of the fiery Egyptian hurries out into the world , too intent on the journeys in the north the spirit prepares to retire into itself before it is ready to travel .
15 The North Korean delegation walked out of the eighth round of normalization talks with Japan , held on Nov. 5 in the Chinese capital Beijing .
16 She could imagine what he looked like : dark , slightly wavy hair and blue eyes , the right eyes to look out over the miles of sea all around him .
17 By a writ issued on 15 November 1988 and a statement of claim dated 16 February 1990 , the plaintiff , Christopher de Martell , claimed damages from the defendants , the Merton and Sutton Health Authority , for personal injuries and consequential loss arising out of the alleged negligent treatment afforded to him at St. Helier Hospital , Carshalton , on or about 5 February 1967 when his mother , who was pregnant with the plaintiff , underwent an attempted forceps delivery and a caesarean section .
18 The jobless figures were the first economic indicators to come out during the campaign , there are many more before election day .
19 An ill-defined report of a possible murder comes out of the small racing town of Lambourn .
20 Nor did the general public have a very high regard of embalming , believing it to be another unnecessary luxury meted out to the corpses of the rich .
21 She wore an oatmeal flannel coat and skirt which even Alexandra could see was badly cut , and a heavily pleated cream blouse , the collar fastened with a huge hideous brooch made out of a green polished pebble set in silver .
22 Wooden balconies jutted out from the upper storeys , giving the plaza not only a feeling of space but of intimacy .
23 The action follows detailed investigations carried out by the board last month .
24 Brown sticks stuck out of the sleeves where there should have been wrists and his head was like a hard dry acorn , sun-burned and bald , no hair .
25 It was like the scene where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid start to rob yet another ‘ easy ’ train only to find an armed and mounted posse leaping out of a carriage .
26 There is a bench-lined sanctuary opening out of the west side of the Central Court , but without a throne and without an antechamber or en suite lustral basin .
27 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
28 In the near-total darkness Dong could not see the old coolie stretched out on the muddy floor beside them .
29 In the litigation in the English Courts arising out of the collapse of the International Tin Council the question was raised whether the Tin Council had a cause of action against its own members .
30 Like the malarial swamps out of which the Most Serene Republic rose , we have seen that human altruism , communal feeling and social responsibility arose out of the egoistic , sadistic and erotic drives with which nature had endowed man .
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