Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] i [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ten painful operations to turn me into a picture
2 In any event , a few particularly strident voices denounced me over the agreement .
3 No , what I am looking at are the first direct signals to reach me from the dark constellation of Serafin .
4 My hon. Friend asked me about the medical ethics of the issue .
5 I was arrested for riding a bicycle without a rear light ; I woke as an enraged policeman took me by the throat .
6 Months eventually elapsed before a breezy day saw me with a number of Tony 's loyal friends on the slipway at Calshot , washing down his sturdy bird in the shadow of the sole remaining airworthy Sunderland .
7 I was awakened by a French Commando nudging me in the ribs with the toe of his boot .
8 It was only then that Old Red noticed me in the car .
9 The hon. Gentleman asked me about the degree of support from medical staff .
10 Before the hon. Gentleman lectures me about the 0.7 per cent .
11 The French doctors started me on a long-term course of antibiotics that are commonly used in France to fight toxoplasmosis and my blood tests were stepped up to once a week . ’
12 Indeed , the fact that he did not refer her to a different psychiatrist convinced me for a long time that I had misconstrued the situation .
13 The old eunuch fixed me with a sharp eye .
14 I shall have a fat Davidoff in my breast pocket and an old crony to slap me on the back .
15 Some foul glutinous thing got me by the legs and ankles .
16 The gaunt , grey-haired sergeant fixes me with a studiously suspicious look and takes a note of my name and the time .
17 The romance of the French Foreign Legion struck me in the same way , and especially the exhibits from Kolwezi and Chad , where there were photographs of camouflaged paras with shaved heads and sunglasses helping starving babies .
18 I was still under a care order so the Social Services put me in a hostel .
19 The central figure points me to a single chair , placed opposite .
20 In my teens , similar doubts lured me into the darker recesses of the family 's medical encyclopedia , there to discover I was Britain 's first recorded case of Futtock 's Syndrome .
21 A delicate silence accompanied me along the towpath .
22 ‘ I do not actually need the evidence of two people in one bedroom and the sight of crumpled covers to point me in the right direction .
23 Sure enough , a high-pitched peeping drew me to the stable , and there on the floor was the hen with one minute black puff-ball of a chick .
24 My natural speed turned me into a wing three-quarter at rugby for the colts , though I can always recall matches in the centre and at fly-half .
25 When I go skiing I want dozens of fast tows to whisk me to the top of runs and ensure I do n't have to queue for 20 minutes behind a junior racing team , trying to unclip each other 's bindings and seeing how far they can spit .
26 He 's a sharp operator , adept at playing the angles , continually bouncing gags off the course of a meandering conversation which takes in flotation tanks ( ’ They told me they wanted to recreate the conditions of the womb , but that 's all I need : some jerk in a white coat stabbing me with an ice-pick for half an hour ’ ) : Panama ( ’ Most American casualties over there were self-inflicted , but that 's because we have a lot of Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics shot themselves , they 're that loyal ’ ) ; even , somehow , the British motorway system ( ’ Driving up the M1 !
27 The patterning of fine wrinkles reminded me of an aerial photo of Easter Island .
28 If I was n't being held up by the man 's gripping hand hauling me through the ferns I feel like I 'd fall down .
29 The ME Action Campaign is waging a major campaign to validate ME as a disease .
30 A very good friend helped me in the house at this time in our lives , and Shanti loved her dearly .
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