Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
2 He took hundreds and hundreds of acid trips , and real strong stock enabled him to do it .
3 ‘ The old gentleman asked me to bring it , ’ he said .
4 Incidentally , the Scottish players thought he got it right both times in that Gary Armstrong had not scored , but Turnbull had .
5 Now The social services say they have it under control : the report referred to the situation a year ago .
6 THIS extended three bedroom detached house has plenty to commend it , say Halifax Property Services .
7 ‘ Those things must have implanted some sort of image in their mind , stimulated the right emotions to make them do it . ’
8 The van loaded with newspapers appeared in the gates , its sinister gleaming look telling everyone to hate it ; the pickets surged forward , shouting ; and there was Jasper , as she had seen him so often , his pale face distorted with a look of abstracted and dedicated hate , his reddish crop of gleaming hair .
9 Established as a privately-financed institution by a Planning Board which first met in January 1969 , UCB had at an early stage to consider what awards it might offer in advance of the Charter it hoped to obtain .
10 Unfortunately one day when it was earlier on he , he got his commands mixed up and we was m marching down the yard and the drive , and we was marching towards the factory up and down and right wheel and about turn , left wheel , basic foot drill you know it had been going for about ten minutes and all and we was going down towards the factory and erm we kept on going , we was getting close to the factory and he , he he forgot his words forgot what er command he wanted to give and he shouted stop you 'll be in the bloody factory in a minute instead of sa shouting halt , you know , he , he got flummoxed .
11 Oh it 's obvious that safety 's involved , I think that er it 's also er road use because er if people take a long time er going forwards and back trying to get into a space to park because they do n't have the basic skills to enable them to do it , then it 's frustrating for other motorists , and obviously accidents can be caused .
12 Causes exist in the real world ; they are not just human constructions to help us understand it .
13 I 'm glad Faye made you do it , all right ? ’
14 One retail analyst said he believed it would make customers more likely to spend on food and gifts .
15 As the news that such advice was being offered leaked out , some backbenchers and non-Cabinet ministers urged her to reject it .
16 One leading designer said he liked it when he saw the front , until he realised the ‘ front ’ was the back .
17 The prison service will be able to bid against private firms to decide who runs it .
18 If she was going to do the job at all , professional pride demanded she do it properly and , for hair as thick and luxuriant as his , ‘ just chopping a bit off ’ would n't do at all .
19 ‘ He has the effing gall to say I suggested it myself and he knows bloody well I was taking the piss . ’
20 Neither moral integrity nor logical consistency compels us to attempt it .
21 His legal advisers urged him to accept it .
22 Then from behind the bar a hunk the size of Ludo and with a nose like a squashed pear tells them to cool it : we are n't police , he says .
23 ‘ So be my witness , ’ he said , ‘ that before the face of God and in your presence I swear this : that when God 's good time serves me to do it without injury to my foremost obligations to Him and to my country , I will take and destroy the castle of Parfois for the wrongs of Harry Talvace dead and Harry Talvace living .
24 It 's just going to take rather a long time making them admit it . ’
25 I do have slight vegetarian principles like I think it 's disgusting to use animals for luxury things like cosmetics or fur coats but food is a different matter ’ .
26 For the full price let him give it to me in your presence as a possession for a burying place . ’
27 Now he is hiring medical specialists to help him overcome it .
28 As a result of this information shortage , however , the highlights will assume an unnatural significance , requiring much ingenious manipulation of the video timer and , in extreme cases , the hire of a small child to help you set it .
29 Every small advance allows him to see it more clearly , more accurately , more affordably .
30 Ask Linford Christie about what it feels like to run the thing — a stupid question , really , but one 's metaphysical yearnings make one try it — and what can he say ?
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