Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He defied suspension under a gagging contract imposed by the counties on their cricketers — but which , I feel , the players should have refused to sign .
2 Referrals to private clinics decreased among the fundholders , also contrary to expectations .
3 One sees here a complementary tendency to the influence of free sculpture on relief apparent in the evolution of high relief : a free-standing statue influenced by the conventions of narrative art .
4 The former are haphazard non-deliberate operations conducted at the shelves and the latter is a structured intentional activity carried out with the assistance of a bibliographic tool .
5 It looks green and comforting , scattered with small stone towns and grazing sheep , the gently hilly horizons punctuated by the towers of village churches .
6 The working majority achieved by the Conservatives removed that worry .
7 The second kind of data consists of the attributes or properties of the spatial entities shown on the maps .
8 So make definite plans to deal with the fears that you can control .
9 This intensive investigation of simple , solid forms culminates in the paintings of the late summer and autumn of 1908 , although by this time Picasso 's work was becoming less specifically Negroid .
10 The irony was that the economic returns expected from the reforms were hardly gained at all , and the railways were really no nearer paying their way by the end of 1966 than they had been in 1962 .
11 What we do find , as with the few collective farms in Roslavl' , is an obsession with possible growth-points admired by the Bolsheviks .
12 This in fact became so only because of the policies Wilson adopted in the way of providing arms to the other side , for which there was insufficient compensation from the rather half-hearted support given by the Soviets and by a few other countries to the Biafrans .
13 We need a successor operator of some sort that matches the current state against the possible states described by the rules in order to decide which of these should be extended .
14 Thus in the UK the Natural Environment Research Council had initiated a series of working groups to advise on the needs for future research .
15 In the Southern Band the number of cattle-stealing cases reported to the courts failed to keep pace with the increase in population , but there was no general decline at this time .
16 Try to make these positive , and if possible try to manage with the resources already available to you .
17 The remainder of those first franchises divided into second and third tiers according to the economic base provided by the populations they served .
18 Parental responsibility remains with the parents and is not acquired by the local authority .
19 Employers and trade unionists should be involved in planning , implementing and debriefing curriculum initiatives , but professional responsibility remains with the teachers .
20 With people envisaged as mere ‘ class fractions ’ , some quite wishful thinking ensues over the prospects for mass proletarian upheaval .
21 The areas of meaning of the Tamil words overlap with the areas of meaning of the English words , but they do not completely coincide .
22 We can confirm that we are satisfied ( as we are required to be under the regulations ) that Growing Business plc may properly be regarded as , using the technical term introduced by the regulations , a ‘ corporate finance client ’ .
23 The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of an independent Russian state had kindled strong expectations that the dispute would be settled , particularly as the Japanese government had made it clear that it was unwilling to provide the significant economic aid required by the Russians while the dispute remained outstanding .
24 The question is whether these hallowed archaisms are only a surface phenomenon which a sensible modernization of Parliament would easily sweep away , or whether they indicate a fundamental unsuitability in the traditional kind of representative institution to cope with the problems of modern democratic government .
25 As expected , the Labour administration pushed through the rises in spite of opposition from the Tory and Scottish National Party groups .
26 Greenpeace 's decision to apply for a review follows its successful private prosecution of chemical company Albright and Wilson — the first such private action taken under the provisions of the 1989 Water Act .
27 A strong wind tore through the trees whipping the branches fiercely to one side while the rain swept across their faces .
28 On each pleasant bank of this world is to be a beautiful mansion … a moderately sized park ; a large garden and hothouses ; and pleasant carriage drives through the shrubberies .
29 I was happy to find that in the scholarly ( 237 references in 1991 ) introductory chapter written by the editors most of the territory was familiar .
30 Applied to the artists showing at Brussels , the term could have no very definite meaning , and Apollinaire found it hard to identify many specific characteristics shared by the painters , or even to distinguish Cubism from Fauvism : ‘ One feature unites them , for if the principal merit of the painters who have been called the Fauves was the return to fundamental principles as far as colour and composition are concerned , the Cubists , in order to extend yet further the province of an art thus renewed , have sought to return to basic principles of drawing and inspiration .
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