Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 An unused kitchen located on the first floor of this block , provided the necessary space for a new Staff Room , Kitchenette and Toilets , with supplementary Staff Toilets , Lockers and Resources Area being located in the link to the three storey block .
2 PAKISTANI authorities have for the first time begun arresting farmers in the North West Frontier Province who have been found planting opium for next year 's harvest .
3 The five CODESA working groups met for the first time on Jan. 20 in Johannesburg .
4 Now is n't that an anonimous vote compared with the first one ?
5 Anyone interested in taking part should acquire a copy of the extended notes compiled after the first session and which are available from Hilda Hewitt .
6 The move comes in the wake of the British Lions defeat in the first RU Test against the All Blacks .
7 Yet one study showed that about one in five of all premarital pregnancies occur in the first month of a sexual relationship , and half within the first six months .
8 On Oct. 8 the German Bundestag approved at a first reading the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty on condition that it be given the final say over the introduction of a single European currency in the final stage of European monetary union ( EMU ) .
9 Pawson has pointed out that in building the canals , British engineers had for the first time " to grapple with large scale civil engineering problems " .
10 British sport began for the first time to embrace commercialism , although the process was cautious and gradual .
11 He is leading an English team to compete in the first ever Irish staging of the Jack Charlton Trout Cup — an event which will take place at a lake near Bantry in County Cork on March 29 and 30 .
12 Only the defeat of Germany in 1945 made it possible for a satisfactory study of German war aims in the first world war to be undertaken .
13 The current project will involve a detailed audit of the data held on magnetic tapes collected during the first ten years of the children 's lives .
14 By the early decades of the twentieth century , the Kiel school 's theory of plankton growth had been widely accepted , but German oceanography collapsed after the First World War and the impetus passed to British and American scientists .
15 The direct evidence belongs to the first century B.C. ( Diod. 5.22.4 ) .
16 While speaking he had been aware of the Doctor 's red , exasperated features grimacing in the first rank at the foot of the stairs ; he had seemed nervously excited , anxious , impatient that the auction should be over .
17 The High Authority met for the first time in the autumn of 1952 , and immediately set about trying to turn the principles of the Treaty of Paris into practical results .
18 The origins of this popular movement lie in the first wave of pressure for disarmament , which began with the emergence of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ( CND ) in 1958 and ended in 1964 , with its decline in the face of the new Labour Government 's failure to rid itself of nuclear weapons .
19 It was possible to pay the skischool extra so that after school in the morning she would be taken to lunch in a local restaurant under supervision , then brought back to skischool in the afternoon , but for a 4-year old learning to ski for the first time to stay in skiboots all day is really very tiring .
20 Well , my feeling is , and it 's really the same message that you get from most greens and most environment books , is that under-consumption , that is poverty in the poor countries , is linked to over-consumption in the rich countries , and we have to grasp this nettle — it 's one that the Conservative Party in its White Paper on the environment avoids noticeably — we have to grasp the nettle , that as long as we are over-consuming there 's not going to be enough to go round everywhere , and my book shows that this pattern is really a three hundred year old pattern dating from the first Colonial expansion of Europe and the slave trade , and it 's still going on today .
21 Along the colonnade under Upper School were recorded 1157 names of Old Etonians killed in the First World War ( 748 others , including my brother Dermot 's , were added to them after the Second World War ) .
22 There the Welsh and English school timetables differ , so that when a morning of Medau was started at the town hall , English-speaking mothers came to the first session and Welsh-speaking ones to the second ; she was therefore obliged to give the former in English and the latter in Welsh — surely a triumphant example of good public relations and adaptability — though Wynne claims that she is still having a struggle to master Welsh .
23 I refer to the rapid decline of the use of walnut in English furniture making in the first half of the 18th century .
24 The old man spoke for the first time .
25 Corgi 's answer to All the Sweet Promises , a long , absorbing , atmospheric Second World War tale of four different girls meeting as the first of the WAAFS and contributing courageously to the fight .
26 One of Barley 's more crashing mistakes occurs on a first and valuable meeting with the rainmaker .
27 Mr Justice Hirst ordered a stay of English proceedings brought against the first defendant .
28 The overall median hospital stay from the first stage of percutaneous cholecystolithotomy was three days ( range one to 33 ) .
29 The median hospital stay from the first stage in patients with acute complications was 12 days ( range three to 33 ) .
30 In 1941 , the French Police cooperated in the first mass internments on French soil .
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