Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 Just the wee group of us , there 's different groups go at a time
2 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
3 Forgetting for a moment the totally illogical premise that Welsh teams get dirtier as they get better , I fail to see what useful purpose was served by raking up old controversies dating from a time when most of the current Welsh team were in primary school .
4 Adhesives can be either rubber solution glue or egg white , which was used by the Victorians , and I think it is still the best option as it does not mark the leaves and flowers — commercial glues do after a time .
5 Mr McGahon 's controversial proposal comes at a time when the British Government is under mounting pressure to radically review what many perceive as an outdated judicial system .
6 The sturdy Victorian houses spoke of a time when this was a place of substance and quality .
7 The impending civil action comes at a time when Saunders ' career has reached a new high with eight goals in 10 matches since moving to Villa .
8 ‘ When Maeve was taken , ’ said Grainne , and those nearest noted that she did not falter over the name , ‘ when Maeve was taken , the huge and fearsome Gateway to the Dark Ireland opened for a time .
9 But her symbolic stance emerges at a time when there is considerable disquiet over the imaging of children .
10 The reason for this is to prevent additional symptoms occurring at a time when you might be suffering from PMT .
11 We also take ( since K ∼ N when the thermal diffusion occurs on a time scale comparable with the oscillations ) .
12 For Kathmandu the marathon is one of the biggest … grandest sporting events of the year and what a welcome there is for Ieuan Ellis as he races down the straight of the national stadium to win in a time of 2 hours 24 minutes and five seconds …
13 The Organic market comes at a time when the term organic is coming under scrutiny .
14 Adjust your times so that your ETA at the holding point coincides with a time based on your last acknowledged position report , and flight plan for times for each section of the route .
15 The encouraging figures come at a time when the number of young people in the county has dropped while the older population has increased .
16 Given this , it is impossible to avoid the idea that another part of the difference between the causal items and their effects is that the causal items exist at a time when their effects do not .
17 The absence of any letters between them from mid July until October suggests that they deliberately refrained from regular letter writing for a time .
18 The church was held back from full-scale episcopal organization by the thought of the expense and the political commitment involved at a time when ‘ a prince of the church ’ was a perfectly reasonable way to describe a bishop .
19 Second , demand overload and intractable and complicated problems came at a time of decreased government capacity , effectiveness , and authority .
20 It is a romantic adventure set in a time when the role of women was very much restricted by dress and their rights , but compared to ‘ Anna Karenina ’ it is a modern novel , first published in 1941 .
21 Lijn 's desire to merge or melt the difference between the visual and aural senses came at a time when many artists were wishing to anticipate a more holistic view of art .
22 He was not a lady 's man in the accepted sense , rather he championed and encouraged single women to travel at a time when it was still considered bad form for a respectable young lady to take a shopping trip to London unchaperoned , let alone visit the Continent .
23 In between minor television roles , in series like ‘ Divorce Court ’ , Jack took to practising script writing for a time , while waiting for work .
24 The decisions on this were taken in August 1981 before the formal emergence of the Labour Party split at a time when the old guard were in control of the Labour Group .
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