Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] but [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 KENNETH CLARKE also signed the public immunity certificate but denies it was an attempt to stop evidence about Government involvement reaching court .
2 Olson adopted a public choice methodology but used it to produce striking anti-pluralist criticisms in the tradition of elite theory .
3 Not only had I to get his damn' book back but regain his ring .
4 He had also considered the use of high pressure steam but dismissed it as too dangerous .
5 Sufferers usually have a normal body weight but see themselves as being fat , bloated and ugly .
6 ( Cohen also refers , for instance , to white youth who supported overtly racist immigration policies but dissociated themselves from the National Front ; see also the research on white youth reported in Coffield et al. ,
7 Court carpet schemes ; France seems to have adopted Eastern weaving techniques but ignored their designs , preferring the more naturalistic floral Aubusson and Savonnerie schemes ( p. 85 ) .
8 Nevertheless , as I understand it , the individual may be striving towards mature object relations but finds himself in situations where those in authority to whom he may want to relate may cause him to regress towards infantile dependence .
9 Such indistinct features were , in the end , good enough to accurately establish the axial rotation rate but tell us little about the nature of the Mercurian surface .
10 Lynwood Drake then took a 60-year-old woman hostage but shot himself dead when her house was surrounded by armed police .
11 The strategy is to sell the plug compatibles for less than the price of the equivalent IBM machine but to make them at least as powerful , or to provide more for the same money .
12 IBM Corp is using the 88110 in its new X terminals but says it will probably migrate to PowerPC 601s when it 's got them in volume : a 40MHz 88110 offers roughly the performance of a 33MHz SuperSparc .
13 IBM is using it in its new X terminals but says it will probably migrate to PowerPC 601s when it 's got volumes .
14 So why do n't you just run a middle peasant economy but take what you need from everybody else ?
15 That night I did not open my window to the usually sweet night air but kept it tight shut against the threatening darkness .
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