Example sentences of "[art] work of the [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Focusing inter alia on the work of the sex radicals Reich and Marcuse , and the sexologists of Forum magazine and manuals such as Joy of Sex , she details the prescription of male dominance and female submission .
2 But they are to be found in any of the ‘ enclosure counties ’ and may be identified immediately as the work of the enclosure commissioners .
3 In parallel with the work of the classification theorists , general systems theory has evolved to consider similar problems .
4 A. R. Dawson , the Government Agent , noted in his diary that ‘ the work of the village sergeants is simply ludicrous .
5 Those who indulge in the shameful practice of ‘ ambushing ’ , or seeking to frustrate the work of the emergency services , deserve to face severe penalties .
6 Mr. Michael Alison ( Second Church Estates Commissioner , representing the Church Commissioners ) : During 1989 the Church Commissioners will be producing a range of publications including their report and accounts for 1988 , the 17th report of the central stipends authority , a series of leaflets describing the work of the Church Commissioners , and a brochure on commended entries for the parsonage design award competition .
7 The ones that pleased him most were in fact covert parodies of the work of the committee members of the Oswaldston Arts Club — the unconsciously phallic abstracts painted by the vicar 's wife ( who would certainly stand in front of Hilary 's effort for some minutes and then say : ‘ Now I find this one most awfully interesting ’ ) , the screaming reds and oranges symbolizing revolutionary outrages of the local school-master , whose private life was as blameless as his politics were extreme .
8 We pray for the work of the relief agencies and United Nations as they seek to relieve the famines of Africa .
9 Invitations to royal garden parties are despatched each year to worthies across the land who have spent their lives raising money for charity or supervising the work of the council sewers and drains committee .
10 Lynall Urwick put forward a counter-argument that a wide span of control had been possible in this example because the work of the merchandising managers did not interlock , and so the need for coordination and integration was not present : this reduced the burdens of supervision and made a wider span of control feasible .
11 Fields , in which modules are grouped to form the basis of student programmes , need information to support the work of the Field Chairs .
12 Patricia McCarron 's section deals with coordination of the work of the Field Officers and with validation of centres .
13 A 1971 CNAA document on the work of the subject boards , while describing the process with some care , also expressed warnings about excessive detail and going beyond the board 's remit .
14 The Council considered papers and had discussions on the design of modular courses and issues affecting sandwich courses , responded to policy documents on sixth forms and engineering , surveyed its own past work and considered its future roles , discussed resource constraints and perceptions of its institutional visits and the work of the subject boards .
15 The procedure focussed essentially on the work of the subject boards and their mode of operation , and a range of approaches was envisaged :
16 We attach great importance to the work of the Broadcasting Standards Council , which we set up under the 1990 Act .
17 We will back the work of the Broadcasting Standards Council and remain vigilant about ensuring high standards in satellite broadcasts from abroad .
18 It will contain details of the work of the standing committees of the Bar Council together with other financial and statistical data .
19 It was through the work of the library committees that the first of the project 's stated objectives was most clearly achieved , and we have seen how the proposal documents embodied clearly defined objectives which did relate the development of the library to the curriculum experience of the children .
20 Despite the work of the transport users consultative committees , they do not have the teeth that ombudsmen would have .
21 Turning its back on influences such as the distortion of art , systematic distortion , anti-photography and anti-perspective , the work of the Pop Artists represents a restoration , a reintegration of ideas which are of great interest to me and which perhaps appear extraordinary .
22 One of the main characteristics that has distinguished all radical art , from that of the Soviet revolution to the art of South Africa , from the art of our movement to the work of the AIDS practitioners in the United States , is its proximity to an active audience .
23 Within the local authorities , health departments were increasingly concerned , especially through the work of the health visitors , who were often closely involved with families in difficulties , and also welfare departments through their responsibility for homeless families , and education authorities through the education welfare services .
24 At the operational level the research focus will be on the way in which the work of the design engineers themselves is organized and managed .
25 But Gloucester 's MP has defended the work of the estate agents .
26 As a professional practice grows , so the work of the equity partners can change from direct involvement in a project to the organisation of a structure in which others can efficiently carry out the work .
27 The fusion of painting , sculpture , and architecture , first articulated by Bernini in the 1640s , reached a new synthesis in the work of the Asam brothers and Dominikus Zimmermann eighty years later .
28 When Teeswatch visited Wilton , Mr Perfitt spoke about the work of the community affairs group and its aim to improve communications between ICI and the local community .
29 Like my hon. Friend the Member for Wakefield ( Mr. Hinchliffe ) , I pay tribute to the work of the Prison Officers Association .
30 The suggestion that the ‘ bugging ’ may have been the work of the security services is already largely discredited , as is even the authenticity of the tape .
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