Example sentences of "[art] way that they [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As generations followed the pattern of the maze , the earth energies may have illumined their forms in just the way that they may have done with the cup-and-ring marks and the pilgrims ' tracks .
2 Whereby erm we do n't end up actually doing the things for them , but we show them the way that they can do them for themselves .
3 I think that erm young people in particular will see some differences in the way that they can move around different European countries , for example study in another European
4 Because we 're having this sort of interference from a central source , er , they 're actually handling in collating and all the information related to bids has been made throughout the whole of England , and it 's , it 's just too , too large to control , and it 's so unfair in the way that they will interpret different things from the remoteness of London , and I think it 's important that , to notice too , that the amount of monies that have gone into the Scottish regions since the im part of the E C prior to the E U , and it 's important to realize how much control they have actually have and how that money was dispersed .
5 The way horses pass messages between themselves will be the way that they will try and impart a message to us .
6 The advocate-depute , Ann Paton , QC , asked if , as a result of what he had told Mackie about the profits warning , Mr Runciman had expected him to go and deal in Shanks & McEwan shares or communicate with others in such a way that they would deal in shares .
7 According to his own testimony , when he was Chef de Cuisine at the Petit Moulin Rouge restaurant in the Champs Elysées in the mid 1870s he had had the idea of preserving tomatoes in such a way that they would replace fresh ones at any season .
8 But erm they are built in a such a way that they should cater for the largest vehicle that is likely to use that road .
9 When we know how someone 's filter functions we are more effective at loving them in a way that they will perceive as love .
10 From a Weberian point of view the professions can be seen as occupational groups which have succeeded in controlling and manipulating the labour market in such a way that they can maximize their rewards .
11 embed sentences in relations to reality in such a way that they can take on the general pragmatic functions of representation , expression and establishing interpersonal relations .
12 It is not for teachers to tell them what to believe or value , but it is for them to try to equip pupils in such a way that they can enter into the debate and develop a coherent and perceptive worldview for themselves .
13 And I 'm going to suggest , without going into great detail , that the media will actually help you promote your products , your organization , your services , your views , the information you need to share with the public , if in fact you can actually present it to them in such a way that they can use it .
14 In an economic upturn that may change , of course , but I think they all get jobs of some sort , and I would have hoped that a chemistry degree , a good training in chemistry , would in fact also train people to think in such a way that they could apply it to a lot of other areas .
15 Unless they have a proof copy there is no way that they can spot any of the above problems .
16 I mean , you can even get a situation Chairman , where you 'll get some of the big multiples will tell a , will agree specifications with a food manufacturer , but they 're not going to be able to check on the ingredients , so even though the , the , the Sainsburys and the Marks and Spencers of this world say we do n't want any er , gen genetically modified ingredients going into anything that we 're going to buy , there 's no way that they can guarantee that before we 've even bought any .
17 One veteran observer of the New York museum scene summarised the insular society 's predicament : ‘ During the 60s , 70s and 80s when all other institutions realised that there was no way that they could build up an endowment without catering to the masses and without appealing to the federal government , museums went with cap in hand ; they saw this was now the game .
18 My Lord the plaintiff 's case , as you can appreciate , is that Mr had very clearly , on several occasions in mid October , er requested a way out of this contract there was a way out er under the terms of the contract by service of special notice to complete erm and yet he had been told that there was no way that they could withdraw from the contract .
19 I think it 's true to say that , certainly at my school , about the age of fourteen of fifteen the girls suddenly decide that they ca n't do maths and there 's no way that they could understand anything scientific , but that , I think , is a lot deeper than just encouragement at school anyway .
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