Example sentences of "[art] first time [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Police have twice failed to present him in Lilongue 's High Court — the first time to the surprise even of the prosecution — and have defied an order for his wife and lawyer to have access .
2 But , for a reader coming for the first time to the subject , this can not give a sense of the rightness , diversity and very real differences in feminist art history and criticism over the last couple of decades .
3 But Greenpeace noted that the British government 's willingness to sign the convention as it stood was a fundamental shift in policy in that it had agreed for the first time to the elimination in principle of dangerous chemicals .
4 During the relaying of this track , the Marton trams operated in a complete circle , returning to Talbot Square via Royal Oak and Lytham Road , while the St. Annes blue cars were diverted for the first time to the Promenade at Talbot Square .
5 Their report , published by the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , draws on climate data made available for the first time to the West by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences .
6 This gave statutory recognition for the first time to the area concept , and made it a duty of local planning authorities ‘ to determine which parts of their areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest , the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance ’ and to designate such areas as conservation areas ' .
7 The other Senate seat up for election went for the first time to the PAN , which won 17.7 per cent of the vote and secured 92 seats in the Chamber of Deputies .
8 The Moghul tombs , the Red Fort , the towering minarets of the Jami Masjid , made me aware for the first time of the significance of civilization , and the meaning of history .
9 Much attention will focus on the inclusion in the census for the first time of the self reported limiting , longstanding sickness item .
10 After the Romans were driven out by the Alemanni in the fifth century , the history of the area is misty until the ninth , when Zurich is mentioned as a town for the first time with the building of a palace there by Charlemagne .
11 In the meantime , the railway 's in-service stock is being repainted in a new dark red and ivory livery , mainly by one locally based volunteer and adorned for the first time with the railway 's insignia .
12 ‘ It was the first time with the woman I love . ’
13 BBC radio will face national competition for the first time with the establishment of up to three national channels .
14 Indeed it was historic , in that it provided for the first time for the elimination of an entire class of nuclear arms — land-based missiles of intermediate and shorter range .
15 As the two hellraisers met for the first time for the benefit of the world 's press , they exchanged jokes .
16 The UNITA leader , Jonas Savimbi , appealed for the first time for the creation of " peace corridors " to allow emergency relief to people in areas controlled by UNITA .
17 A candidate for the first time for the Chair that Alan has left is Sir Jeffrey .
18 Gazza and Maradona square up for the first time for the world 's undisputed No 1 title as Lazio take on Seville in a friendly in Spain .
19 He felt like an infant staggering uncertainly out of doors for the first time into the infinitude of the universe .
20 ‘ It was the talk of the set — the rumour monitors were working overtime , ’ Jim said yesterday as he talked for the first time about the couple 's whirlwind romance .
21 Across the green , Doctor Lovell heard for the first time about the accident at the old people 's homes , and was magnanimous enough not to make any comment about Edward Young 's steps in front of his partners .
22 Group sales exceeded £10 billion for the first time as the Group served over ten million customers each week .
23 It will go on show for the first time at the Biotech ‘ 83 exhibition in London next month .
24 Harry looked for the first time at the cheque where it lay beside him , flattened by the base of the lamp .
25 The curtain went up on Charley 's Aunt for the first time at the Theatre Royal .
26 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
27 The specifications of November 1939 became a reality just 43 years ago , when a CW pump evacuated model with sealing wax joints was switched on for the first time at the end of February 1940 , and operated successfully .
28 The word ‘ deadline ’ entered the National Certificate results vocabulary for the first time at the end of last session .
29 DTS will show the Harris 20–20 Accommodator hotel communication system for the first time at the show .
30 3D cinema THE NEXT generation of cinema technology from Imax will be shown in Europe for the first time at the Expo ‘ 92 world fair in Seville , which begins this month .
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