Example sentences of "[art] time [pers pn] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 erm the advertisements themselves called a great caused a great furore because erm Tampax was a fairly new invention and because of the sexual and social mores of the time they were n't considered very nice .
2 Since friars were the pre-eminent preachers of the time they were particularly enlisted to explain , in public and private sermons , the legitimacy of the king 's claim on the French crown and to stress his almost superhuman efforts to avoid conflict ; preachers were to elaborate on French treachery , exposing their ‘ derogatory lies ’ .
3 Most of the time we 're either sitting outside the head 's office or we are either fighting or we are either arguing with them .
4 ‘ Except that we ca n't spend every minute of the time we 're together making love , can we ?
5 At the time we were also tracking the development of desktop publishing , a newly created use for personal computers .
6 Then he kissed me , and for a moment I remembered a play we were in together , when we 'd done the same sort of kiss , starting with his hand under my chin and just our lips lightly together , and then developing into a full clinch ; but by the time we were deeply embraced I had forgotten the play and could think only that this was like coming home .
7 Yeah , that was like me , I mean like I 'd , I was n't bad like , cos all the time I was just wearing like polo necks or like shirts with high collars and stuff cos it was n't actually on my neck it was just like on my , this one .
8 At the time I was out detecting with the Weston Historical Research and Detecting Association , of which I am a member .
9 Oh , I can see now that it was unworthy and beside the point but at the time I was so exasperated with the man and his perfidy that any ammunition would have done .
10 ‘ They drive you mad , ’ I said , thinking of the time I was about to murder my husband with the pressure-cooker , ‘ did he do exercises in bed ? ’
11 All the time I 'm either bingeing ( in secret ) or doing loads of exercise ; I really feel desperate to lose weight because I 'm going to be a bridesmaid soon , and I do n't want to look like a splodge at my brother 's wedding .
12 the time I 'm not seeing him .
13 I just resent all the time I 'm not spending with you , ca n't you see that ?
14 The return trek can seem like a very long haul but all the effort seems well worthwhile by the time you 're comfortably sitting in the bar at the Sligachan Hotel cradling your glass of single malt .
15 ‘ There was I , feeling flattered at the attention you were paying me , when all the time you were just testing me out to see that I would n't dry up on the air !
16 Allowing for the time he 's already spent in cutody , that means Rachael could be freed this autumn .
17 ‘ The trouble is that I know that all the time he 's only trying to ingratiate himself in order to get me to agree to a merger .
18 All the time he was either shouting or crying .
19 At the time he was badly thrown .
20 Kidd reflects that at the time he was not given the unqualified support by other members of P-E who felt that the search approach was still inappropriate for a consulting firm with resident consultants on client premises and that it could injure the firm 's consulting practice .
21 We suspect that he was flying in light aircraft to lonely fields in Essex or Suffolk , but the time he was nearly caught his passengers got away and we could n't prove anything .
22 As we know er Darwin published his great work in eighteen fifty nine cos he had to , he really did n't want to but was forced , but in eighteen seventy one he published another important book called the Descent of Man or Evolution in Relation to Sex and in this book Darwin established a principle , which a which at the time he was widely criticized and ridiculed and this was the principle of female choice .
23 For these considerable services he received nothing , his enemies using the time he was away to poison Francesco I Sforza against him , not least because they were jealous of the work on the chapel .
24 At the time he was hardly painting at all , concentrating on drawing and sculpting .
25 It would have meant nothing to that pervert to let her stay … he had wielded the knife , the cruel swine … telling her he regretted there was nothing for her when all the time he was still hiring people … examining her through that monocle as though he was God …
26 At the time he was still sculpting and he continued to carve his large heads , sometimes in polychrome , until 1915 or 1916 .
27 And I do n't know how , what 's happened about it now but at the time he was still having to pay for it
28 Later on this might have led to complaints about the possibility of corruption ; at the time it was simply seen as evidence that politicians were committing themselves fully to their work .
29 At the time it was widely believed that Sugar would not be returning to operational flying , as the following press release issued at the time seemed to indicate :
30 At the time it was widely held that the early parts of the visual system acted like a closed-circuit television , with the eye acting as the camera and the visual cortex acting as the TV monitor .
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