Example sentences of "[art] fact that [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 These conclusions follow from the fact that all of the correspondence-computation , and much of the interpretation-computation , is via low-level , autonomous processes that do not depend on recognition of the input as a familiar 3-D object .
2 Despite the fact that all of the currently available OLTP systems on offer come with proprietary APIs , each of the vendors is quietly pressing the X/Open standards body to adopt its particular TP methodology — see page four .
3 The reassertion of the state/civil society opposition is documented by the fact that all of the above names either quit or were excluded from the Akademie in 1933 .
4 Er , paragraph four Chairman , is the point that Policy and Resources when it was addressing the fact that all of the proposals from committees that 's currently within the guidelines did still leave a shortfall between projected expenditure of the County Council and the capping limit .
5 They focused on the fact that each of the four families followed a different form of worship .
6 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m .
7 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m
8 According to Professor Van de Wetering , the first publicly to criticise the restoration , these discrepancies can all be accounted for by the fact that each of the three investigations were conducted to answer completely different questions .
9 The economic and constitutional rights of the republics , at the same time , should be increased and defined more precisely ; but any changes of this kind must take account of the fact that each of the republics was itself a multinational state in which the interests of all national groups must be properly respected .
10 Nevertheless , the intense interest in how many Scots will make the Lions ' party for New Zealand is assuredly not diluted by the fact that each of the thistle 's three Grand Slams has followed hard upon just such a British Isles venture .
11 The fact that many of the Free Presbyterian marchers were women and children suggests that they were equally sanguine .
12 Tremendous emphasis has been put on the fact that many of the themes are French or European , not American .
13 This was so , despite the fact that many of the charges were minor and could not result in terms of imprisonment , and regardless of how the cases turned out if indeed they were ever proceeded with .
14 The situation was confused for him by the fact that many of the people he had seen in the church of Gesù Nuovo , the ones who had come to pray and adore , were dressed in rags .
15 Philip Stubbes , writing in 1583 , was disgusted by the goings-on in the woods in the middle of the night when the villagers went to cut their maypole , especially with the fact that many of the maidens who went were no longer maidens on their return !
16 More important is the fact that many of the draft 's boldest strokes would seem a lot more realistic if they had been destined for Mark Fisher and a Labour government .
17 The fact that many of the smaller companies are still family controlled or influenced ( these ownership patterns reduce their access to financial resources and thus their ability to ride out recessions ) .
18 Given the fact that many of the old people concerned are of a generation , class and gender that has traditionally been deferential , it is small wonder if they are characteristically timid and grateful in these exchanges !
19 An indication that the acceptability of the concept of headhunting has made great progress among employers in Britain is the fact that many of the respondents attested to search consultants ' knowledge of the executive market place , gained over a number of years , and their expertise in certain specialised sectors .
20 In two weeks of December the number of male vagrants had risen to 371 , which included 252 ex-soldiers , and the master was of the opinion that the increase was due to the fact that many of the unemployed in London were returning to their own towns through the casual wards .
21 The fact that many of the young people involved had convictions meant their evidence was not being taken seriously , which raised a serious issue about the treatment of young offenders who have been in care .
22 The matter is obscured by the fact that many of the coins were small barbarous copies of FEL TEMP types .
23 The fact that many of the twenty middle-class women did not say they disliked housework does not rule this explanation out of court .
24 It also reflects the fact that many of the younger , landowning county MPs were simply absent from Westminster ; as Yeomanry officers they were liable for service in wartime and , although the Yeomanry could not be compelled to serve abroad , few did not volunteer .
25 This was despite the fact that many of the Councillors were also Governors .
26 It is for this reason that many experts prefer the expression " Islamic textile art " when describing oriental rugs , despite the fact that many of the items covered by this description will certainly have been woven by non Muslims and possess no trace of Islamic symbolism in their compositions .
27 We also frequently overlook the fact that many of the most knowledgeable and committed adult book buyers have a very low level of confidence and experience in buying children 's books .
28 Against this claim must be set the fact that many of the early ecologists were not , in any significant sense , evolutionists ; for all practical purposes they were still dealing with an essentially static world view .
29 Distance from Shanariah , coupled with enormous tithes to the Church and the fact that many of the Ixmarite hierarchy owned estates in the district and were therefore friends and neighbours , guaranteed the residents a certain freedom of belief .
30 As teachers , we need to be aware of the extent to which inequalities are enshrined within the status quo and the fact that many of the students with whom we work are the products of an unequal social system .
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