Example sentences of "[art] end [prep] the [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The famous social scientist , D. T. Campbell , once proposed a more naturalistic experiment , in which scores of towns would be selected and formed into two groups at random , the newspapers in each town would be persuaded to take part in the experiment by publishing phoney articles about the state of candidates , and comparisons would be made at the end between the two groups of towns ( Campbell 1951 ) .
2 Then the knot is made even more secure by threading the end between the two twigs and tying a series of half-hitches on each .
3 Amendment No. 27 proposes to insert in clause 16 , at the end of the two sets of criteria , the words : ’ assist in assessing the degree of efficiency with which the financial resources of those schools are managed . ’
4 er She she keeps saying it 's terribly interesting , I hope she does n't deny that at the end of the two hours .
5 So you 're not bothered if at the end of the two years they have n't even
6 At the end of the two years purchasers can either trade it in for a new car , pay the final payment and keep the car , or hand the car back and have nothing further to pay .
7 Speaking at the end of the two days of talks , Mrs Thatcher said it had helped some countries combat inflation .
8 Speaking at the end of the two days of talks , Mrs Thatcher said it had helped some countries combat inflation .
9 At the end of the two days , Anne found her appetite and her voice — and herself on the way to a nunnery .
10 Oates and team-mate Richard Longman finished second in class of an aggregated result at the end of the two legs .
11 During that period the bees would be working busily up and down in the fermenting liquid and at the end of the two weeks it was ready for straining and bottling .
12 And by the end of the two weeks I was just slapping paint here , there and everywhere and I painted over all the locks and things like that , because I did n't really care too much about it .
13 In order to protect my interests , I 've included a clause that states that , unless you produce suitable , usable designs , the debt , alas , will remain outstanding and will be required to be repaid in full at the end of the eighteen months . ’
14 At the end of the thirteen years of Conservative rule , Britain was still an offshore island of the United States , but times were changing .
15 In the middle of the afternoon , at the end of the six hours ' questioning , Mrs B was driven back through the dark , dreary day , and dumped outside her garage door .
16 By the end of the six months , Edouard 's old resolve grew fiercer : he would restore that empire to its former glory , and then he would develop it , increase it , expand it .
17 At the end of the six months , he had introduced £1,811,996 of ‘ new ’ money to the Royal Bank and achieved 141.25 per cent of target .
18 Well now , at the end of that six months I 'd had varied success , sometimes I had poor periods when I was n't detecting much , then I would have a little break , do better , but at the end of the six months nobody told me whether I was stopping there , but twenty years later I did go back to uniform as an inspector .
19 Before the end of the six months was up the other judges were trying to steal the devices and put their own people on it .
20 By the end of the six years Japan possessed a younger stock of machine tools than the United Kingdom or the United States : 40 per cent was less than five years old .
21 The importance attached to the sea by more reflective Englishmen and Frenchmen at the end of the Hundred Years War may also be seen in two works : The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye , written about 1437 , and Le débat des hérauts d'armes , composed about 1455 .
22 By 1648 , at the end of the Thirty Years ' War , Catholicism held total sway .
23 ( Italian opera had already appeared in Munich in 1653 , very soon after the end of the Thirty Years War ; indeed it was taken up by several German courts during the 1650S . )
24 For nearly a century and a half after the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 there was a tendency for the ratio of casualties to total numbers engaged in West European wars to fall and for that of prisoners to dead and wounded to rise .
25 Elsewhere also there was an increasing tendency to demarcate frontiers on the ground more clearly than ever before , as when at the end of the Thirty Years War that in Pomerania between Swedish and Brandenburg territory was marked out with boundary-stones .
26 WEDGWOOD Angling Society 's A Team landed an impressive fifth spot at the end of the Five Towns Winter League season .
27 Classes are led by experienced staff , usually by staff at the drama school where the course is held , and at the end of the five weeks groups will present mini-production projects to each other , on which they will be assessed , and they will usually be given a certificate for having attended the course .
28 ‘ By the end of the five years , however , passengers should be paying for all operating costs and providing about half the investment expenditure . ’
29 So that at the end of the five years , assuming you 've paid the maximum stake at seven and a half percent , you would , otherwise you would receive the nine thousand back of course , and at that rate you would receive two six seven one and that will include , if you 're a twenty five percent payer , six hundred and sixty seven that you would have otherwise lost in , that would have gone out in tax .
30 The landlord agreed that , provided there were no breaches by the tenant of any of the terms in the agreement , the deposit would be returned to the tenant at the end of the five years .
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