Example sentences of "[art] same [noun] he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It had happened at the rampart by Dr Dunstaple 's house where Cutter had just shot a sepoy the moment before and seen him fall ; at the same instant he had caught sight of another sepoy levelling his musket and had said to the Sikh beside him : " See that man aiming at me , take him down . "
2 He 'd driven into Adam 's Creek the same way he 'd driven into a hundred other small towns .
3 The boy bowed again , enjoying her astonishment in the same way he had enjoyed the applause of the T'ang earlier that day when he had played Tsu Tiao .
4 It was the same question he had asked of her on the Ridgery , a question that put the burden of leadership on her .
5 Dixon 's mention of clothes had pulled his mind back to the discovery of Kemp 's body , and he asked Lewis much the same question he had asked Max , receiving much the same answers .
6 Sometimes they 'd fuck right away , or sometimes they 'd wait till they were about to leave , but they 'd always do it on the sheet , the same sheet he 'd brought that first time , as if , without it , some spell might be broken and everything would fall apart .
7 He did it again when , leaving her question hanging , he stepped closer , studied her scraped-back hairstyle , then , without so much as a by-your-leave , whipped her glasses from her nose — the better , it seemed , to check that her green eyes were the same green he had looked into during the early hours of Sunday morning .
8 It was the same expression he 'd had when backing away from the struggle around the campfire just before Osvaldo — his beard still smouldering — had put him under arrest .
9 He was still wearing the same clothes he 'd worn that afternoon , and Juliet wondered if he had been out that evening , and who with .
10 Charles was just getting out of his bath and was about to put on again the same clothes he had taken off beforehand , when suddenly , there at the gates were envoys bringing from Aquitaine a crown and all the royal gear , and everything needed for holy rites !
11 After about eight issues he picked up a copy and noticed that Bowart-using the same technique he had used to appoint Miles London correspondent — had appointed him , and William Randolph Hearst as editors .
12 Evenly she said , in the same undertone he had used : ‘ All is very well with me , my lord . ’
13 That reconciliation was not Franco 's guiding principle was clear from the decree he had issued on 1 April 1939 ( the same day he had signed the final war bulletin ) , ordering that a monument be built " to perpetuate the memory of those who fell in the Crusade of Liberation " and to honour " those who gave their lives for God and the Fatherland " .
14 Harry could not at first believe that the tall and graceful youth beside Ockleton in the picture was the same man he had met at Tyler 's Hard .
15 He had changed his name , of course , but it had been obvious to Fedorov that he was the same man he had disposed of in the Stadtpark three weeks before .
16 Oliver was very surprised ; this was the same man he had bumped into once outside a pub , and seen another time with Fagin , looking in at him through the window of the country cottage .
17 He steered the ten-year-old Daimler under the Dersingham arch and drove straight into the cathedral close at the same speed he 'd used to cover the miles from Oldfield .
18 He was staying there since giving up his flat at around the same time he had given up Crystal Daly .
19 At the same time he had sensed a tremor of — he did not know what .
20 He had enjoyed immense public prestige as Supreme Commander , Allied Forces , 1944–6 , and Supreme Commander , NATO , 1950–52 , and at the same time he had managed to remain above the political squabbles of the period .
21 Marjorie Bilbow , in Cinema TV Today , described the production as ‘ very plodding and unimaginative ’ , and Clyde Jeavons wrote in the British Film Institute 's Monthly Film Bulletin , ‘ Apart from accommodating a number of half-hearted and totally unmemorable songs and dance routines , William Sterling has taken few liberties with the original narrative , but at the same time he has divested it of both its charm and its potential for cinematic comic invention .
22 Yes , you all laugh — who , all right , he makes — some of the things he says are valid , but because he 's watered his message down , if you , well ‘ watered down ’ is the wrong , popularized his message to make a political point , at the same time he 's alienated other people who he needs to rely on in this scientific community to help him go , go forward .
23 And yet in the same lecture he had expressed his belief that the tradition of which he spoke was drawing to a close ; and , in the poem , the encounter with the familiar but only half-glimpsed figure is charged with a sense of transitoriness and loss :
24 On recovery , Mr Hayden described the stranger to the porter who agreed that it was the same figure he had seen .
25 It was the same job he had started with at the Zoo so many years before .
26 Corbett sat on the same bench he had occupied the previous Sunday watching the nuns file in .
27 It was the same dog he 'd seen outside Mrs Wright 's hen-house .
28 Delaney could see the huge , blistered areas where the white phosphorus had burned into the flesh , the same flesh he had blown and burned , and shot to death less than five minutes before .
29 Sgt. Deacon left on 13 May for Mersa Matruh in Hurricane V7771 , the same aircraft he had flown to the island on 29 January .
30 Having doubts about this picture 's authenticity and surmising that it might be the same picture he had seen several years before , he again sought my opinion on the basis of a good photograph .
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