Example sentences of "[art] great [noun] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You might very well say that you were the greatest law lecturer in the world , because people tend to say these things about themselves .
2 As pointed out by the collector and historian van Mander writing in 1604 , ‘ Whoever so desires nowadays has only to go to Prague to the greatest art patron in the world at the present time ; there he may see at the Imperial residence a remarkable number of outstanding and precious , curious , unusual , and priceless works . ’
3 So let's hear it for the greatest tennis player in the world !
4 From the same publishing house comes a monograph on Antonio Begarelli , the greatest terracotta sculptor of the Italian Renaissance , by Giorgio Bonsanti .
5 Subject : Just after joining the greatest mailing list in the world …
6 Thanks to I have become the first DECcie to join the greatest mailing list in the world ; - ) .
7 Once the greatest squash nation in the world and a major influence upon the development of the game , they have yet to show signs of a revival .
8 Here then , is our own selection of some of the greatest NME covers of the past four decades .
9 Asparagus , ignoring the growth of weeds , sank its serpentine roots far down to where bones , once carrying flesh for foxhounds , now formed the foundation for the greatest asparagus beds in the county ; its spears were famed for their luscious , indecent appearance , when served at Sunday luncheon parties from early May to the end of June .
10 WHEN it comes to marketing the greatest sailing regatta in the world — the America 's Cup — the visiting nations in San Diego have beaten the host city hands down .
11 HOW the Moores family made their massive mint is the greatest success story of the century .
12 The greatest lineout jumper in the world is not going to walk into any old team and have it happen overnight .
13 Another movie , Cleopatra , starred Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton , whose on-off affair was the greatest love story of the Sixties .
14 The greatest flower show in the world is how the organisers describe the result of their 10 years planning and planting — and rightly so .
15 It transpired this was his permanent secretary , Sir Bruce Fraser , one of the greatest Treasury mandarins of the day Vivian had acted without reference to his secretary of state , the Head of the Home Civil service , or the Prime Minister .
16 It reminds me of the time I went to a school in Clevedon to interview one of the masters , David Bryant , who was the greatest bowls player in the world and a star in his own right .
17 In his showmanlike way , Chapman wanted Highbury to become the greatest club ground in the world , a new kind of football mecca , with a big crowd capacity and as futuristic in design as the new West Stand , built at his suggestion to replace the old wooden stand erected in 1913 .
18 Highways officials say position of the crossing point provides the greatest safety benefit to the most vulnerable road users , and maintains free access and exit from the fire station and garage .
19 The tunnel was one of the greatest engineering feats in the history of the canals , and , as Telford proudly reported , not a single life was lost .
20 The tunnels , track arrangements , and loop lines were regarded as among the greatest engineering marvels of the age , and more engineers flocked to see them than any other contemporary achievement , even including the Panama Canal .
21 Though it centres on Harvey Keitel , who is trying to be a saint in the city , the film hatched the greatest celluloid partnership of the last 20 years with the introduction of Robert De Niro as the reckless Johnny Boy .
22 This ex-rugger international has , for reasons best known to himself , tired of rambling on about the oval ball game ; as a consequence he has taken to bespattering the media with stories about his allegedly ‘ sexy ’ life and times in terms which strive risibly to emulate the writings of the greatest rock journalist in the world — just like practically everyone else in the media has been muscling in on my territory in recent times .
23 Tonight we 'll devote all our time to the National as here in Central South we have eleven horses running at Aintree , in what 's regarded as one of the greatest horse races in the world .
24 Still to come , we look ahead to the greatest horse race in the world .
25 We have not yet been sufficiently educated to realize that the risk of dying from the greatest killer disease in the Western world could be drastically reduced if only we took preventative measures by eating sensibly and looking after our bodies .
26 They will be accompanied by the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra and hundreds of dancers in a spectacle which will set the scene for the greatest soccer occasion in the history of the United States .
27 But above all he is the man who took on Chanel , the greatest fashion legend of the twentieth century .
28 Ben Nevis stands at one end of the greatest mountain range in the Highlands , buttressing a grand array of ten Munros with altitudes above or near 4000 feet and forming an unbroken high skyline for several miles .
29 He wants to prove that he is a new man — but still one of the greatest football talents in the world .
30 Hence the enormous success of Oldham , a hilly settlement in East Lancashire with considerable reserves of coal , situated only 11km ( 7 miles ) from Manchester , the greatest yarn market in the world in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
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