Example sentences of "[adj] group of [noun pl] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Typically they have been started by an entrepreneur who brought together a bright , dedicated , hard-working group of colleagues to market a new service or a new product .
2 The dominating strategy is non-cooperative : an individual group of workers has a clear interest in standing firm in resisting money wage cuts even though workers en masse may be better off if a cooperative strategy were pursued .
3 The usual group of shops occupies the market place today , with a new up-to-date health centre .
4 Many of the fern-like fronds that can be found in Carboniferous rocks belong to an extinct group of plants sharing a common ancestor with the ferns , but distinct enough to be regarded as entirely separate .
5 In conventional trials set up to assess the efficacy of a new drug , the drug is given to a group of patients suffering from a particular illness , and the effects are compared with those obtained in a matched group of patients given a dummy ( or placebo ) drug .
6 Corelli 's slow movements are noble pieces and they have a gravity which is served well by a large group of instruments favouring a notably slower tempo than has recently become the fashion .
7 For example , Andreasen and her colleagues asked a large group of psychiatrists to compare the written productions of two creative writers , including James Joyce , with those of psychotics and , without being given any other information , to try to reach a diagnosis .
8 The little group of staff-officers accompanying the general turn as well , falling back deferentially to keep out of his line of vision …
9 The walk-in centre is the result of two years ' struggle by an international group of scientists to realise an ideal .
10 The telephone ‘ conference call ’ for instance , enabled a widely separated group of individuals to share a telephone discussion , but the groups were too small to count as ‘ mass ’ .
11 Ten years ago a small group of woodworkers formed a co-operative , modelled on a halibut fishery in Alaska .
12 We split up , with members of the task force , to look for the elephants , each small group of searchers gathering a large following from the children of the transmigrasi along the way .
13 Speaking at Midnight Mass at St Patrick 's Cathedral in Armagh City , Cardinal Daly said a small group of men had the power to call a truce and ensure it was fully observed .
14 May I take this opportunity to say how sickened I was by the small group of supporters hounding the ticket kiosk for their money back , after Monday night 's County Shield match against Whaddon YMCA .
15 Echinoderms are the only group of animals to possess a water vascular system .
16 In June 1991 a determined group of cyclists converted a muddy quagmire into an all-weather cycle/pedestrian path .
17 The other group of industries involves the processing of raw materials .
18 The more moderate group of radicals continued the traditions of the New Left by trying to work within the professions to improve society .
19 This large and varied group of arthropods includes the giants of the phylum , as well as tiny spiders hardly visible to the unaided eye .
20 IT takes a special group of dancers to drive a choreographed axis through the music of SaintSaens and the Rolling Stones London Contemporary Dance Theatre is that special group .
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