Example sentences of "[adj] as [adv] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A fan ran on the pitch and attempted to approach Walsh after the sending-off as early as the 14th minute .
2 The Kingdom is at the same time a heavenly as well as an earthly reality .
3 Large ferns were present as early as the Upper Devonian and different genera as large or larger were significant components of forests during the Carboniferous to Cenozoic .
4 Defeat was followed by a yet greater humiliation : Spain 's loss of the final remnants — Cuba , Puerto Rico and the Philippines — of a vast overseas empire , conquered during the sixteenth century and still intact as late as the early nineteenth .
5 Deterrence , being a political as well as a military
6 It was a deserved win for the Dons , whose threat was evident as early as the fifth minute when Scott Booth outpaced Mike Galloway on the right to send in a cross which narrowly evaded the outstretched Duncan Shearer .
7 It was a deserved win for the Dons , whose threat was evident as early as the fifth minute when Scott Booth outpaced Mike Galloway on the right to send in a cross which narrowly evaded the outstretched Duncan Shearer .
8 That commitment was evident as early as the 14th minute when international midfielder Jim Bett struck a vicious drive from the edge of the penalty area .
9 This was particularly evident as far as the young were concerned .
10 ‘ Allowing for the recovery period is also important as far as the next cooking cycle is concerned .
11 Although these matters may not be particularly important as far as the haematological features are concerned , they certainly are with respect to ventilation .
12 A curriculum that genuinely values the practical as highly as the theoretical or academic must be geared to a public assessment system that does the same , and from which only the severely mentally handicapped , and not all of them , will need to be totally excluded .
13 His profound sense of fatalism becomes apparent as early as the last paragraph of his very first speech : ‘ … every few years there is still a case , and as the parties tell me what the trouble is , … the thought comes in that … another lawyer , quite differently dressed , heard the same complaint and sat there as powerless as I , and watched it run its bloody course . ’
14 On the subject of rest , you twitched a bit when Palin was referring to feeling weary as early as the second day .
15 As far as the as far as A level as far as A level plays are concerned I think with had them on the stage before now over the last five ten years as far as I 'm concerned .
16 In fact , I consider this vital as far as the therapeutic value of the treatment is concerned .
17 That which once was unacceptable as far as the old Jewish food laws were concerned , can now be accepted .
18 It is almost unknown in Africa and Asia , while in the West , from being relatively rare as recently as the 1920s , it has now become the commonest disorder of the large intestine .
19 The general social and political advantages of the newly enlarged audiences were obvious but in cultural terms what was really significant as far as the subsequent history of the movies was concerned was that the showmen who made and presented the movies were no longer thinking in terms of a homogeneous or class audience .
20 Some of honest and good heart would not even speak to a Christian as late as the mid-third century , by which date the Christian story and way of life had become well known , because they suspected them of enormities .
21 Later , during the 1960s , Academician M. Tikhomirov proposed setting up a commission to locate the library , and some of its expeditions were still active as late as the 1970s .
22 TEF-1 is present in undifferentiated mouse embryonal carcinoma cells ( 3 ) , and enhancers that rely on TEF-1 binding sites are active as early as the 2-cell stage in mouse development ( 4 , 5 ) .
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