Example sentences of "[adj] as i [verb] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
2 I 'd been writing a monthly column for Options as long as I 'd been writing at all .
3 erm There always has been the situation since Derek Roberts retired , and in fact his post was put in the pollution section , where there was only one E H O , the agreement then that there would be a swap straight E H O for technician swap , but food had traditionally , as long as I 've been involved have three E H Os .
4 He 's been at Pepe 's as long as I 've been coming here — though he does sometimes take holidays , I must admit . ’
5 As far as I 've been told and remember , Dad 's always been on the boat , yeah .
6 I was not very worried as I had been told that the school was very good .
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