Example sentences of "[adj] as [pron] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At first he was like a man who thinks he smells gas or a fire , his body alert and his head held high as he looked quickly round the carriage .
2 Hari thought again of her father and sitting there on the edge of her seat she believed that the man standing before her , handsome and young though he might be , was the same kind of man as Dewi Morgan , upright and steadfast , his eyes clear and direct as they looked down at her .
3 No one could have known that he no longer heard the park sounds for the pounding in his temples , or that his feet felt iron-clad as he walked away from the woman he longed to hold in his arms .
4 Ben 's heart was light as he swung along through the meadows that lay before the heights of Lulling Woods .
5 She could feel that she was already soaking wet as she nuzzled up to him like a happy , purring cat .
6 Chris Buckley and I became detached as we ran side-by-side towards the town .
7 Derived from the Indian reel , with extensions to allow the line to run free as it spools out with the ends spinning in the hands , the plastic reel is to be recommended .
8 His expression was inscrutable as he gazed back at her .
9 ‘ I do n't know what , ’ replied Mr. Gordon , looking grave as he stared up at the circling plane .
10 Ari felt very old as she walked back to the group .
11 He was where I had left him but he looked different as he beckoned excitedly to me .
12 Even Sheila grew a little afraid as they drew close to the house .
13 I was thoughtful as I headed off in the opposite direction .
14 Jean-Claude , exhausted by the long ride from Paris and a late night of in-toxication , moaned something unintelligible as I got out of bed , rolled over and promptly went back to sleep .
15 The night was dark as we set off in file through the trees after checking our weapons .
16 Galvanised into action by the very idea , she rose abruptly to her feet , striving to keep her expression impassive as she glanced down into Candy 's surprised eyes .
17 As a pedestrian , however Shaw was still supremely noticeable as he sailed by in his knee breeches and Norfolk jacket for walks of up to six miles .
18 Dane 's expression was infuriatingly bland as he glanced down at her , and Shannon glared back at him , all too aware of just how ridiculous she must look .
19 Just as she had expected , there were lights still ablaze as they drew up before the house .
20 The end of the bridge was clearly visible as it grew out of the far bank , and needed only a couple of rafts to make it complete .
21 She looked sad as she drew away from him .
22 It passes through villages that become increasingly small and simple as you get deeper into the high hills : through Banca , in the eighteenth century a centre of the local copper-mining industry , then Aldudes itself , which has a very nice small square and a Basque-style church , and finally Urepel , reached by a turning off to the left from the road that continues into Spain .
23 A cylinder viewed under similar circumstances will reveal edges that are soft as they turn away from the observer .
24 Security was tight as he flew in to Ulster .
25 Even this product of genius was flawed as it trailed away into melodrama but for a fleeting moment Hollywood was shown what could be achieved if its resources were used as the basis for a director 's cinema .
26 ‘ Strange , ’ Maltote interrupted , his face drawn and white as he stared down at the gory , blood-spattered wound .
27 He looked rueful as they walked back to the car .
28 It was cold as they walked out to the executive jet .
29 ‘ Of course I have , ’ she answered , her gaze unconsciously wistful as she looked out over the smooth water of the lake .
30 Here I feel awake and ready , compelled to be on my feet when the sun reaches us , and the cattle , fretful and peckish , are released in a torrent of bay and brown and white , their huge horns gradually unlocking and separating as they spread out into the plain .
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