Example sentences of "[adj] as [pron] [verb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He does not observe or understand them as lessons in natural history , but knows their names and as much about their habits and life-history as he needs for his purpose .
2 Tappersdorf was a few stops along the line — countrified and still keeping a rural quietness : poplars masked a factory , behind pre-war houses with steeply pitched roofs fields of sprouts stretched away , the sprouts looking oddly sentient as they stood in their patient , frosty queues , waiting to be picked .
3 His low growl of pleasure told her she was pleasing him , and his voice was unsteady as he murmured against her lips .
4 Alone , the two girls were playful as they went about their tasks , mischievous at times , even carefully boisterous ; but as soon as their father came in they would sink into a beseeching drabness , cower as close to being invisible as they could .
5 For example the sport of crown green bowling , which was very little known outside of the north of England , has been shown to a wider public ; the greens are often oddly bereft of spectators , and the northern accents of the players are plainly audible as they urge on their woods or confer solemnly as a pair over the last bowl of an important ‘ end ’ .
6 A girl who has been shy or awkward can become quite self-possessed as she cares for her new baby .
7 For a second or two the expression of the Annamese.camp " boy " hardened as he stared at his employer , then he moved away from the peephole and began to busy himself cleaning the pots and pans that had been used to prepare the meal .
8 Nellie looked very serious as she listened to her battered husband reliving his terrifying experience .
9 Normandin was a precious link to that other world that held John and I was more excited than nervous as we walked to his apartment near the Champs-Elysées .
10 Her mother had filled up her own glass , but Kate became painfully aware that she was nervous as she sat opposite her daughter .
11 ‘ Wo n't even look at 'er new battleaxe , ’ grumbled Ginger as they went on their way looking for money .
12 Her charge was still spirited underneath , but had learned to wear a calm and gentler front , very composed as she went about her work .
13 Meyer felt confused as he sat behind his desk and started examining a file .
14 In spite of her intense dislike of her companion , Caroline found it impossible not to feel pampered and privileged as they swung into their seats , the soft top down to allow the warm evening air to billow round them as they drove .
15 Increasingly during the next fifteen years the triangle formed by Swansea , Pontardulais , and Ammanford — with the fr owning eminence of Carreg Cennen Castle in the distance — provided him with a retreat and a source of healing as he faltered towards his final realization as a poet .
16 Vera had started to climax again as she saw Vashinov pump away at the young man , his breathing rapid as he reached towards his orgasm .
17 List these assets and liabilities at random as they pop into your mind or as they are suggested to you by others .
18 Perhaps it was n't as cold as it seemed to her distorted senses .
19 Having reached 50 off 71 balls , Simmons was unstoppable as he sprinted to his third hundred in one-day internationals from a mere 102 balls .
20 From a seat on the verandah of the Silver Swan Hotel , which overlooked the river , I was able to admire the white foamy torrents hurtling over a weir and beneath the bridge , black and sleek as they sped on their way .
21 His eyes were half closed as he drank from his glass , and there was a sudden stillness in the air as he waited for her reply .
22 My earliest recollection of Fred was when , as a schoolboy , I watched spellbound as he returned to his home in Belfast holding aloft the old Claret Jug , signifying his victory at Hoylake in 1947 .
23 Donna lunged at him , aware that his face was unprotected as he clutched at his genitals with both hands .
24 At least that was what she thought he said , but she could n't be absolutely sure as he turned on his heel and walked away , leaving her standing in the darkness of her cabin .
25 For Jack , time seemed to stand still as he sat at his stepfather 's bedside , gazing down into the inanimate features and waiting for a miracle .
26 Throughout the history of Western philosophy women have been thought inferior or less than fully human , though some philosophers , like Kant and Rousseau , have found them charming and necessary to men 's well-being , as long as they keep in their place .
27 Although most children remain well as long as they stick to their diet , a few seem to relapse after a few years for no apparent reason .
28 He did not elaborate on the usual roles played by a king 's sons , who in fact were expected from an early age to join in their father 's business , as envoys and generals , counsellors as long as they remained in their father 's household , and rulers of sub-kingdoms as and when regna were available .
29 They accepted us as long as we looked after their money and invested it .
30 When you get people on to a sort of Noddy Goes Selling course , which is the first one you come on , you are expected to believe that when you leave here anybody who does n't use T N T Express would be absolutely crazy , and that everybody you 're going to talk to is going to bite your arm off as long as you stay with your boyfriend .
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