Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] [vb mod] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In making them available under the terms of an existing contract , we made it clear that we would be concerned about early delivery to Argentina . ’
2 Whilst , however , it clearly follows that we have jurisdiction to entertain this application , it is a good deal less clear that we should be prepared to do so .
3 The important point , however , is that the two " likes " must be treated as like in some respect ; and in the linguistic cases this does not merely mean that the two items co-ordinated must be on the same level in terms of specific syntactic classifications , as has often been remarked ; more importantly , it is clear that they must be alike in both bearing one of the other relations , already introduced , to some third element ; thus , in : ( 38 ) Nora is Irish and beautiful the structure is such that Irish and beautiful are both related to Nora by assignment , while in : ( 39 ) bed and board is going to take half his wages the relation of instantiation links both bed and board to the single entity in the subject position .
4 But Home Office officials indicated that , in the absence of new evidence , Mr Waddington would make it clear that he would be unable to take any initiative .
5 In a public display of Cabinet loyalty , Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , and John Major , Chancellor of the Exchequer , signed Mrs Thatcher 's nomination papers and the Prime Minister again made clear that she would be prepared to fight through three ballots if necessary .
6 When we look at the vast evidence of the relations of cultural production , in so many different societies and historical periods , it is clear that it would be unwise to adopt , as our first theoretical construct , some universal or general explanatory scheme of the necessary relations between ‘ culture ’ and ‘ society ’ .
7 He said it was disappointing that the Government had not made clear that it will be prepared to stimulate monetary growth by underfunding the Budget deficit .
8 While you are not entitled to recover twice the same amount of loss , it is conceivable that you might be eligible for full compensation in respect of both claims .
9 He pointed to the important public role occupied by universities and submitted that it was wrong that they should be immune from the general law of the land : ‘ There must be no Alsatia in England where the King 's writ does not run ’ : per Scrutton L.J .
10 Although a notice inside clearly stated its capacity to carry three persons , he was secretly afraid that it would be inadequate to bear his vast bulk .
11 " Je dois aller , " said Clara , losing grammar in urgency , beginning to be afraid that she might be late .
12 I think she is afraid that you might be embarrassed .
13 They were afraid that he would be unhappy about their success , because he had wanted to be a writer himself .
14 She was , however , very much afraid that he would be angry with her .
15 " Not in the ground : and the soil 's so light that we shall be able to scratch some shelter easily when we find the right place . "
16 China , whilst approving the airport plan in principle , had been insistent that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
17 When I expressed my appreciation of the honour he had done me by inviting me to his coronation , he replied that as the eldest son of his trusted friend , to whom he owed so much , it was proper that I should be present .
18 So wh when we actually say communist , I mean , it does seem odd that it would be controversial to the communists for Mao to come back and talk about revolution .
19 If my submission is accepted in the inspector 's report , it is possible that it would be consistent with approved greenbelt policy to have an inset new settlement avoiding the greenbelt but not outside the outer boundary of the York greenbelt .
20 But tell me , is it possible that you might be pregnant ? ’
21 It is possible that you may be entitled to claim Department of Social Security benefits which will affect the amount you will recover in compensation .
22 It is possible that you may be able to obtain the full single person 's pension , based on your ex-husband 's contributions .
23 It is only when the two sides are as balanced as possible that you will be able to make maximum use of your mental faculties .
24 ‘ It 's just possible that I may be able to help you . ’
25 But it would be absurd that he should be able to plead the jury 's verdict in the first trial as a bar to the second .
26 Sorry that Oliver had gone , or sorry that she would be alone ?
27 ‘ You did n't think it strange that he would be prepared to go to Marseilles to deliver these engine parts ?
28 Her maternal instincts would be so strong that she would be unable to resist their calls for help and would soon approach them , pick them up individually in her mouth and place them in her bed .
29 How fortunate that it should be liquid , at precisely the kinds of temperatures at which complex organic molecules , such as proteins and DNA , are able to persist and yet be chemically active !
30 " This time it is quite impossible that you should be able to help me . "
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