Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Liberal Democrat candidate Peter Bergg said : ‘ We have made it perfectly clear that we intend to invest lots of money in training .
2 And if it is clear that they have exercised their right of choice , problems can still arise in determining what precisely they have chosen .
3 The most notable absentee , of course , was former captain Vivian Richards , who had made it clear that he wished to end his career in the World Cup where , in the previous four tournaments , he was the only batsman to exceed a career total of 1000 runs .
4 ‘ In any case , it is clear that he had made his mind up .
5 Jonadab had made it clear that he had done his son-in-law a favour in allowing him to jump the queue and buy four of his grey shirehorses and now Stephen had to screw up his courage and confess that one was dead .
6 The National Party leader , Charles Blunt , also resigned in the aftermath of the election defeat , announcing his decision on April 6 when it became clear that he had lost his seat in the federal parliament .
7 It was immediately clear that he had put his foot in it .
8 He had to make it clear that he had learnt his lesson on tariff reform , and to do this in a way as compatible as possible with the dignity of an ex-Prime Minister .
9 Even if Steen had ever had such intentions , the events of the last week made it clear that he had changed his mind .
10 To risk his job — and Sir Daniel had made it very clear that he did risk it — was a courageous thing to do when you considered how few editors ' chairs there were on the Street .
11 A Free French administration was installed in Beirut and General de Gaulle quickly made it clear that he intended to keep his forces in Lebanon however much independence the country thought it had been given .
12 His mother summoned him ; she made it clear that she wished to see him alone .
13 Mr Sheffield said the note made it clear that she intended to take her own life and that she loved her family and daughter .
14 Once I realized I loved her and that she loved me it became clear that I had to leave my wife .
15 When I spoke I made it clear that I intended to do something about the position of the ‘ early leavers ’ and that I thought it right that people should not suffer if they transferred their pension from one job to another .
16 When it issued its first interim report in the autumn of 1955 , it was clear that it had narrowed its focus to the two core projects raised before Messina , the Netherlands proposal for a common market and Monnet 's ideas for a nuclear energy community .
17 Here in Ulster , we 've been so busy saying that we are British that we have lost our true identity .
18 ‘ There was some press comment , but still none of us were remotely afraid that we had done anything wrong . ’
19 The young lady in question ( who I shall call Mrs X because I am afraid that I omitted to catch her name ) began by asking me what the bad points were within the embalming profession .
20 It was as if he were gazing into heaven , and Agatha was n't so old that she 'd forgotten what that felt like .
21 Interesting that they 've done it so quickly is n't it ?
22 well its interesting that you 've remembered it , I mean do you wish you had reported it ?
23 Donna saw it in the rear-view mirror , convinced and elated that she 'd done it crippling damage .
24 ‘ I ca n't help saying it strikes me as rather odd that you 've left it till now to start looking for her . ’
25 It was just possible that he 'd discovered something about Puddephat .
26 Surely it was n't possible that he had tracked them down ?
27 He was obviously peeved that we 'd squared it with the music teacher while he did n't know anything about it .
28 He was sorry that he had criticized her to himself , for hiding in the kitchen , for not being attractive .
29 It seemed improper somehow that someone like Tulagai , his motives suspect , should mock Siban , who had served the Khanate so well , and Alexei thought that he was sorry that he had goaded him into leaving .
30 Just for a moment she let her hand linger on his sleeve , then slowly withdrew it , wondering if she was glad or sorry that he had given her such an insight into what made him the man he was today .
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